Friday Fun

March 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, since the world needs a smile, I will tell you that Alex Jones has been charged with being the world’s largest living single cell coronavirus.



And since I have a fairly reliable connection to all things Alex Jones, I will let you know there’s more Jones stuff coming on a totally different angle.  He’s a busy little slob.

And before there is a run on it at the grocery store, go get yourself some of the Bon Appétit favorite brownies. I already have a supply in my pantry for the Zombie Apocalypse.  They also make a double dark chocolate version.  Oh hell, it’s good.  Don’t get fancy with it, just follow the instructions on the box. Unless you want to add pecans – that’s also good.  I’m from the south, Honey, we add pecans to eggs.  I could be a skinny girl if it wasn’t for these brownies.


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0 Comments to “Friday Fun”

  1. Bob Boland says:

    I have often wondered if these illigitemi could be charged with practicing medicine without a license when they huckster this crap.

  2. Larry from Colorado says:

    There are two great laughs inside this one.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Things that make us go “huh in the night” … like why haven’t the peeps in the test kitchens at Hershey’s developed a DIY brownie recipe using their product? While we’re waiting for them to get with the program and if you are competing with Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself at the supermarket shelves, try out the several options of Ghirardelli brownie mixes. These also come in a 7.5 lb. box for those who know their fetish. Don’t forget the walnuts to add to the mix and the vanilla ice cream to top off the warm brownies. Hot fudge, whipped cream ….

  4. Miss Demeanor says:

    Well, I have 6 boxes of brownies and only one extra pack of toilet paper. I know how to prioritize.
    Grab a box of Ghirardelli Chocolate Supreme Brownie Mix next time you go out, prepare as directed and also stir in 1/3 cup Bits O’ Brickle. Yummy!

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Boland @1, if practicing without a medical license was enforced, Republicons in state legislatures attacking reproductive health care would be working on the death penalty for multiple offenses, LWOP at a minimum.

  6. Letitia James has been busy! Not only Jones, but Jim Bakker has been doing the same. She’s going after the right-wing hucksters

  7. I cry for any kids, but any adults (term used loosely) are welcome to die using his cures!

  8. It’s a hoax!
    Alex Jones’ Coronavirus products are a right wing conservative hoax!

  9. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I went with Belgium Truffles. My last meal will be chocolate!

  10. I’m currently stocking up on Girl Scout cookies.

  11. I expect to be doing more cooking after tomorrow, although brownies from a mix aren’t on the agenda. First up: homemade dog treats for my favorite dogs in my building. Easter dinner is in the planning stages and I’m considering other meals to cook and have an excuse to hang with my favorite people. Too bad JJ, Bubba, and her Alex Jones “source” live too far away.

  12. Harry Eagar says:

    Maybe Jones can claim as a defense that he was drunk and didn’t know what he was doing

  13. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I have whole wheat bread rising in the kitchen, will spend the afternoon making my first oxtail soup in 40 years. The Ghirardelli chocolate (for the one-bowl brownie recipe) is in the pantry. And I’m nearly done knitting the back of my next sweater.

    But, given what the market has done over the last 2 weeks, I will probably have to quit semi-retirement and go back to work full-time anyway, once folks start coming back out of hibernation, so I might as well enjoy it while I can.

  14. So Alex Jones is selling a “cure” for something that the right wingers are calling a “hoax”? And likely selling to themselves?

    Thanks for the chuckles. Love that part about the pecans in your eggs!

  15. slipstream says:

    I don’t have any Ghirardelli chocolate brownie mix. I’m gonna die.

  16. Sandridge says:

    Wow– Texass Gov. Abbott is just now giving a presser on COVID-19/coronavirus, lots of CYA stuff. Laughable testing efforts promised.
    After the Rethugs and their minions/MAGAots have spent weeks and months laughing at and ignoring this pandemic, they’ve done a PR 180 and are doing their best to appear pro-active in the emergency.

    San Antonio’s huge “Fiesta” partee has been postponed until November too.
    Lots of lower wage people are going to be losing their jobs. As will other groups statewide, particularly well-paid energy sector workers.

  17. I was too sick over Xmas to back mince meat pies but I still have all the jars etc. so this sounds like a good weekend to compensate for what I didn’t get for Xmas!

  18. Grandma Ada says:

    While others were buying toilet paper at the store, I stocked in some Dulce de Leche ice cream. In fact I may have some after lunch

  19. Sandridge says:

    Anybody watching Comrade Trump & minion’s Coronavirus emergency press conference?
    What an ass-kissing butt-sucking CYA crock of shit.

  20. Sam in Superior says:

    The best brownies, at least the most memorable I’ve had, were from a dispensary in Tacoma, Washington. :))

  21. Now that 2 thuglican run states have cancelled elections, Georgia for State Supreme court -Gov. wants to appoint- and Louisana, it seems that a bill mandating nationwide that all states implement a Vote by Mail regime before the November general election.

  22. maryelle says:

    There are petitions circulating by organizations like Daly Kos, for nationwide mail-in ballots, a common sense solution that the Rethugs will most certainly oppose.

  23. Miss Demeanor says:

    Slipstream @ 15:
    I’d be glad to mail you a box if we can exchange information.
    If you go out, do try the Chocolate Supreme Mix.
    The older I get, the less I like chocolate chips in my brownies. Go figure. I tried this flavor because America’s Test Kitchen recommended them.
    I too put toasted pecans in the brownies. Pecans in my banana bread, and often in my salads. My nut of choice too.
    I’m over 60, and self-isolating. Reading a book a day!
    Take care, all. You all make my days, as the hubby works off-shore for two weeks at a time.
