Today in COVID-19

March 13, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Word Salad

Trump FINALLY declares national emergency over CV.

Great read from the Atlantic, The Trump Presidency is Over.

Italians sing together from their windows during the CV lockdown.

CDC estimates that Americans who could die from CV is 200,000 to 1.7 million.

No one will win the Saudi-Russian oil price war.

Coronavirus effects based on government response.  An interactive chart.

Trump lied today (and other times) that Obama bungled the H1N1 flu contagion in 2009.  He forgot that Republicans mocked Obama’s warnings and called THAT outbreak “a hoax”.  Sound familiar?

And finally, Katie Porter (D-CA) beat Dr. Redfield, Director of the CDC, about the face and neck with questions until he finally committed to guaranteeing free testing to all Americans.  It’s sweet…

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0 Comments to “Today in COVID-19”

  1. Pence said great work has been done from the get go. Another speaker stated a lot of work occurred in the background over the past two weeks.


    It’s a Democratic hoax
    It’ll go away on its own
    I’m not worried
    The whole thing is overblown

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Is Wehner a bigger ***king moron than the ***king moron*? No where in his article does he accept the blame due all Republicons for boil government to breaking then flush it policies. Nice. Peter is happy the ***king moron* is taking some hits with the COVID-19 response. What about weekending Moscow Mitch and the Senate recess while no action(s) has been taken? If Peter and other Republicons think the ***king moron is their only problem, they have not learned a soapy thing about their failed policies.

  3. Here’s another article showing that Trump is the product of a party that convinced a lot of people that government is the enemy. We not only need a change in the executive branch, but at all levels of government.

  4. We have gone from Harry Truman’s “the buck stops here” sign on his desk through Nixon’s cover-ups and addled ronnies use of demetia to “forget anything about Iran/Contra on to perjurer poppa’s “oh you meant these diary’s” through the twits total cluelessness and now to demneted donnie’s declaration that he has no responsibility for anything his administration does.
    this is as good a chart of the collapse of the US as anything .

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    And, 1001 other reasons we pulled the plug on cable TV, 1000.5 of which are concern trolling Republicons like Rick Wilson and other odious Never Trumpers. That they recognize that IQ4.5* is exactly as Rexxon Drillerson described him* fails to recognize that 99.9% of Donnie’s* criminal activities since taking office have happened under the nose of Moscow Mitch and other Congressional Republicons. That Donnie* has taken a wrecking ball to every government agency is their collective goal. Why be shy guys? He’s* all yours and your policies. So no, you clowns do not get to dump it all on Trump* when you have everything you wanted, well except maybe an oscillating stock market and a nasty virus.

  6. maryelle says:

    Katie Porter is a national treasure! She does her homework and won’t be put off by the likes of Jamie Diamond or this latest
    Official, who wouldn’t admit that the law gave him the power to make corona virus testing free, until she forced him to.

  7. megasoid says:

    At ‘Shock Doctrine Press Conference,’ Trump Bails Out Oil Industry, Not US Families, as Coronavirus Crisis Intensifies

    Edit: ”Trump has once again put the interests of oil and gas executives ahead of the interests of people and communities.”

    Friday afternoon after President Donald Trump—despite a continued failure to offer far-reaching support to the U.S. public—moved to bolster the bottom lines of oil and gas companies by announcing a massive federal purchase for the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).”Based on the price of oil, I’ve also instructed the Secretary of Energy to purchase at a very good price large quantities of crude oil for storage in the U.S. strategic reserve,” Trump announced during a White House press conference—surrounded by CEOs from major corporations, including Walmart, CVS, and Target—in which he also declared an official national emergency in order to combat the outbreak of the coronavirus. 

    “We’re going to fill it right up to the top,” said of the SPR, but critics were quick to point out that move has everything to do with helping his wealthy friends and cronies in the fossil fuel industry, and nothing to do with helping average people now under threat from the spreading pandemic.

    full article:

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    maryelle, to borrow a phrase about a wonderful Senator, Congresswoman Porter does persist! Not to ‘defend’ them, but some of the agency powers she suggests they use the dolts in the IQ4.5 maladministration ‘thought’ they’d already drowned in their swamp of incompetence and government busting.

    Where’s Moscow mitch this weekend? Worrying about his Russian oil stocks?

  9. megasoid says:

    Also: The Pelosi / munchkin deal was a no go as the Goops rode out of town on Friday.

    Nero made grunting noises in the rose garden and wants more concessions, like wanting to castrate SS by declaring with holding tax holiday forever. So when the Clanton’s ride back into town on Monday, the bipartisan shootout at the Not OK Corral should be DOA

  10. An important improvement from the d “squad” (shorthand) and Sen. such as Warren is that questioning during hearings has become so much more effective and enlightening.
    In the past these questions were usually given over to polemics and undue respect and courtesy given to people appearing before these committees.
    With the advent of AOC, Katie Porter, Warren and others these asking questions the expected kissing of feet by reps to the rich and powerful has been greatly diminished. They have no reluctance to hold CEO’s and appointed officials feet to the fire or to shame them for their purposeful ignorance, filibustering and avoidance of embarrassing questions.

    ps Doug Jones is looking like he might hold onto his seat with his thuglican opponent ( sessions or baby trumpster) embracing demented donnie in same manner that demented donnie molests the flag when onstage.

  11. I think Congresswoman Porter has demonstrated before this that she brooks no bullshit. And I think that is the reason why no repugnantcan members of the Committee tried they’re normal crap of indignantly interrupting and accusing her of slandering a patriotic American. But also maybe because they were too chickens**t to sit in attendance.

  12. A Kaiser study about the effects of COVID-19 on our fine country
    IMO probably should have widest possible distribution…

  13. Katie Porter beat Dr. Redfield like he was a red-headed stepchild. It was glorious.
