Florida Doctor is White and Deserves to Be Treated As Such

August 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here we are in Orlando with Goofy and 59 year old physician Jeffrey Epstein.

Dr. Epstein, a white guy, throws a walleyed snot nosed hissy damn fit in the airport with all manner of cussing a blue streak and carrying on for no apparent reason whatsoever.  And this was at 6:00 in the morning.

You can see the video here.

But, here’s the weird part – while being wrestled to the ground by airport security, the doctor shouts –

[He] shouted out that he was, “not resisting, you are treating me like a f—ing black person!”

After the arrest, a baggie of marijuana was found on Epstein, arresting officer Christopher Chaplin, reported.

So the next day, the doctor has come up with an excuse.  Get this.  Even though he is a Trump supporter, he says he had a reason.

After complaining of chest pains when he was taken into custody, Epstein was taken to an area hospital by ambulance, according to the arrest report. En route, he allegedly told an accompanying officer that he “created a very big disturbance and I did it on purpose,” according to the police report.

And why would he do that?

He wanted to make a large and loud statement about how the police treat black people.

“I’m a Trump guy,” Epstein told WESH. “But until the police fix this problem, I don’t blame black people for being upset when they get arrested.”

Dude, you’re not black.

Thanks to Bryan  for the heads up.

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