Oh Sweet Karma, Mistress of the Right

August 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so you know all those Non Disclosure Agreements that Trump had everybody within ten feet of him sign?

Come to find out, they probably ain’t worth diddle squat.

And remember how Trump said he hires only the best people?

Well, come to find out, the NDA was kicked out over a suit filed by a former employee acting pro se in court. You know, someone with no court experience beat all Trump’s lawyers.

Oh, sweet karma.

Denson is suing the Trump campaign in state court for $25 million, alleging she was subjected to “severe and pervasive slander, aggravated harassment, attempted theft, cyberbullying, and sexual discrimination and harassment” by her former supervisor, Camilo Sandoval, and other campaign staffers after she received a promotion to “mobilize the campaign’s Hispanic engagement effort” in September 2016. The Trump campaign and Sandoval, who is currently the acting chief information officer of the Department of Veterans Affairs, did not respond to requests for comment on this story.

Can you imagine what would happen in one damn day if all the people who have ever worked for Trump were released from their NDA’s?  We’d have to hold that sucker in a football stadium.

By the way, if you lose against a pro se non lawyer in court, they laugh at you over at the lawyer’s club.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Sweet Karma, Mistress of the Right”

  1. I would not be surprised if there are more tapes and written journal accounts are being held by former “best” people”. I think this is going to get interesting…

  2. Seems like everybody that knew or worked with him knew they had to back up documents for self protection.

  3. Thank god Trump doesn’t read or have a clue about history. Or someone didn’t, like in the movie The Graduate, take him aside at any point in the last four or five decades and offer this advice:

    I want to say one word to you. Just one word.
    Trump: Yes, sir.
    Are you listening?
    Trump:Yes, I am.

  4. Lunargent says:

    Does that dam wall seem to be bulging? And maybe showing a few cracks?


  5. Acouple of legal eagle issues.
    1) Can prosecution ask for a mistrial after demented donnie publicly commenserating with manafort? Considering how hard this judge has worked to knee cap the prosecution in pursuit of the goals of his political masters whims wouldn’t this be a good time for a reset?
    ( kneecapping= asking whether the special prosecutor cares about manafort or just going after the judges tin god drumpf, Refusing to allow the prosecution to sho and explain all evidence in the name of expediency and then refusing to allow exhibits to show what counts they are associated to when jury gets them, asides on the bench in the juries hearing that cast aspersions upon the prosecution and the list goes on)

    2) alex jones destroying evidence. Comment?

  6. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    I have an answer on the Alex Jones question. Read this.

    How this came about is that one of you guys, and God forgive me but I forget who, sent me a link about Jones taking down some stuff on Twitter and some of the other social media sites. I forward all the Sandy Hook stuff y’all send me to my son. Replied that I “missed the lede” in that story because Jones is under court order not to destroy evidence. He got very mad and very excited and immediately filed with the court.

    So, when y’all think you’re just squirreling away time around here, don’t ever forget that you’re the best damn legal research team in America.

    One other thing – one of y’all told me about a place where people were raising money to pay the families’ legal fees. Do not do that. There are no legal fees.

  7. I can imagine Trump having a yuuge hissy fit on the golf course at Bedminster about this judge ruling against him in this case. If the other staffers’ NDAs are the same as Denson’s and were signed in NY, this ruling also applies to them. Womp! Womp! I also suspect Manigault-Newman had her NDA reviewed by a good lawyer and realized it was not valid under NY State law at some previous time. Manigault-Newman is a lot of ugly things, but stupid isn’t one of them. The thing I’m wondering now is whether they were written by his former best lawyer and buddy Michael Cohen.

  8. I can relate to losing to a non lawyer. I had two misdemeanor trials in Silver City, NM. Won against DA in one and lost to codes enforcement in the other, Blush.

  9. I cannot understand why any halfway intelligent person would agree to work in this administration, but given how many of them have been mistreated, perhaps their retribution may prove important to investigations and the elections.

  10. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I think NDAs will hold as long as they’re related to personal services by/for Trump and paid for by either directly by Trump or one of his entities.

    The problem is when the individual works for someone else (like the federal gov’t). Trump probably thinks *he* is the employer since he can hire/fire, but the individuals like Omarosa are on the **federal** payroll, meaning that they work for you and me. He can’t silence them and, no, previous Presidents have *not* used private NDAs to silence people.

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    As for the gargoyle Alex Jones, I am sure his fans will find him as Jones, like water, will always seek the lowest level.
