First You Say You Do, Then You Don’t, Then You Say You Will, And Then …

August 02, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Trump is walking back his promise to bar reporters from the GOP convention.

They admitted that on Saturday they did say no reporters.  But, hell, Sunday is a whole different day.

“Two RNC officials insisted Sunday that they are still working through the logistics and press coverage options,” the Post reported before quoting one spokesperson stating, “We are still working through logistics and press coverage options.”

Look, I wouldn’t go out and buy and popcorn to watch the GOP National Convention until the morning of the convention because I have a feeling that it’s gonna be an hour by hour thing.  I’m thinking maybe this isn’t a real organized event.

Oh well, at least we can count on Trump not showing his tax returns.


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