Finding the Sidewalk
For the past ever-how-many months I have achingly suffered from writer’s block. I have jobs that require me to type 750 – 900 words in a row that more or less connect to each other and – on top of that – have a theme. I simply don’t understand why they send me a paycheck except for the fact that my writing has agony written all over it and they feel bad about that.
Nobody is more aware of this than my family. Hence, my child-in-law sent me this message done in a fancy meme:
Holy damn cow. Sprinkle the holy water! I have been raised from the dead. Okay, maybe not dead, but certainly raised from the lethargic, so just sprinkle the glitter.
Within an hour of receiving that, I had outlines for three short stories, including one involving a love triangle between a veterinarian, a reporter, and the Luling Watermelon Queen, a feature story on never letting an expensive balconette bra interfere with your life, chapters 1, 8, and last chapter of a pretty good semi-sexually graphic cozy mystery, and a couple of long overdue thank you notes.
So, this is to thank my child-in-law. Buff, I’m not saying this because you’re my only child-in-law, but you are the best child-in-law ever. I know the change won’t happen overnight but thank you for showing me the sidewalk. I think I can get to the corner now.