Alex Jones Update

November 19, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For those of you semi-addicted to the Alex Jones case like I am, I have something fun for you.  The lead attorney in the Texas Sandy Hook case did an interview with two guys who have a podcast.  They have a relatively small but devoted fan base.  This is the attorney’s second appearance on their podcast because they are fun and he enjoys explaining Texas law to them and their audience.

You can hear it right here.  The show runs 2 and half hours but the attorney is only on for an hour.  You can skip to 8 and half minutes for the beginning because that’s when Mark Bankston comes on.  The reason I’m sharing it here is that it’s directed toward non-attorneys.  However, it’s also directed at a much younger audience than we are so that’ll explain the language.

You might want to save it for a rainy day when you can’t put the crops out or sell World Book Encyclopedias door to door. Enjoy.

And just because you need to smile today —

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0 Comments to “Alex Jones Update”

  1. austinhatlady says:

    Loved both the link & the photoshopped pix. That Mark Bankston dude is charming & articulate. (And I love that you are proud of him!)

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Thank you for sharing, Ms. JJ. That was some serious fun and informative at the same time. Due to time constraints Jane and I are not particularly podcast fans, when we can speed read through a transcript. But hey, for Mr. Mark Bankston, Esq. we’d make that exception again. He is really good!

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Loved the cussin and discussin, but it’s so hard to listen to alex jones even a few seconds. His (alex jones) brain is a freak of nature.
    Ok, I give up. Who is cruz towing to Cancun?

  4. Steve, that would be Chris Christie in his own beach holiday that had his constituents just tickled pink.

    J.J. thanks for that link. Mark sounds like the kinda guy that anybody could talk to for awhile and be glad they did.

  5. Steve from Beaverton @3, OMG, you don’t recognize Donnei Loser’s other most fervent and abject ass-kisser, New Jersey’s Chris Christi, taken from his infamous beach holiday? [the one where as guv, he had a section of public NJ beach closed for his private family enjoyment, keeping the riffraff away].
    Two of the ‘finest’ Republican examples of utterly debased buttsniffing obsequious gutless mewling eunuchs US politics have ever seen. Both caught in their best-ever holiday romps, Cancun Cruz and the Jersey Beached Whale.

    A brilliant photoshop job, btw…

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    P.P. Thanks. Duh, yes I see it now. Geeze, I feel so stupid. I forgot his beach vacation pictures.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    The Outlaw Jersey Whale was a nice touch to the Teddie Crooze cruise of worthless pandering. Lordy what a dilemma deciding between Teddie Crooze and the Outlaw Jersey Whale as the ***king moron’s** biggest sycophants. But we’d be remiss not to mention Mittens R$Money lunching with Donnie and begging for a job. Never understand the power of Morton C Blackwell to make those toads toady. 2015 and Donnie was never a contender, until he met with Mort who gave Reince Priebus his marching orders.

    Interesting in a sick sort of way. Whatever will Mort do at the RNC to recall his monster?

  8. I wish somebody really would haul Chris Christie away. I am so sick of seeing him on TV, and I am so sick in general of these horrible people now being normalized because Trump was worse.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    That photo is a classic! Now if all the GOP could immigrate to Cancún!!!

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    It works because of their utter contempt for the people locked out of going to the shore (as it’s called in NJ) on the Fourth of July and for millions of Texans trying to survive the cold. I’m all right, screw you. There have always been creatures like this but they seem more unashamed these days.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Jones and his ilk should never feel remorse. They need to feel remoras sucking millions of dollars out of their worthless hides until the pain is so great they reform.

    And they should not be allowed to die until all debts are satisfied. e platypus has spoken!
