FCC Chairman Lied. What a Shock

July 06, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts

Comcast, in direct conflict with what Ajit Pai, FCC chairman said would happen, is announcing to its customers that, since net neutrality is now dead, it will begin throttling mobile video speeds unless customers pay up.  Pai, a former telecommunications lawyer and lobbyist, poo-pooed watchdogs and millions of Americans when he unilaterally overrode the Obama era net neutrality order, and within days of the repeal, what you would expect would happen is happening.  Comcast even had the gall to rationalize their action by claiming that slower speeds, customers data plans would last longer.  Really?

Pai is already well known for lying, since he claimed the flood of negative comments to his plan to unravel net neutrality was a cyberattack, not actually millions of Americans saying no.  He stubbornly clung to his plan, the invertebrates in Congress failed to act to protect Americans (again), and so now our internet access and speeds are only for those who can pay more.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.

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