Falling Off The Edge
Okay, so here’s the deal. The only thing keeping Georgia on the map is because Florida blows. Otherwise, Georgia would just float off into the ocean somewhere and be its own little banana republic.
There’s a Republican primary coming up in Georgia that’s become a freak show. The current governor, Republican Brian Kemp, just allowed constitutional carry. That means if you can pick up a gun, you can carry it around with you. No license needed. No background check. No matter how much you’ve threatened your ex-wife. And, in this primary, Kemp is the moderate.
Keep your eye out for Dr. Kandiss Taylor, who is Sarah Palin with a drawl. I do not know where she got her doctorate but I deeply suspect it required money and postage.
Her campaign slogan —
She’s got a website and is driving all over Georgia preaching her gospel of how awful the government is, calling for a forensic audit of the 2020 election, and has even said that if we had secure elections that gas prices wouldn’t be so high.
She stresses that she is “working class” and “just like you.” She’s a school teacher.
“I want to ensure that Georgia stays red, conservative and we protect our morality and put that over money … and that’s the most important thing we’re doing.”
Now when I said that she was driving all over Georgia preaching “Morality Over Money!”, you probably had a vision of a pick up truck or something, right?
She’s got a damn fancy ass bus. I guess she sold her morality to rent that sucker and buy gas for it.
Jesus, Guns, and Babies. Why not children? Why just babies? Hummmm …
“Don’t talk to me about separation of church and state,” she said. “Church and state was written because the state has no business in our church. But we are the church. We are the church, and we run the state.”
She said that Georgia is “sovereign” and “we’re running the state with Jesus Christ first” before adding that other religions don’t get to “silence” Christians.
Honey, she’s Sarah Palin with a drawl.