Fair Warning
Warning: Today would not be a good day to send me an email about how Bernie Sanders got screwed by the DNC and Putin.
I am not kidding you. A reader sent that to ME.
Within 30 minutes of Elizabeth Warren suspending her campaign. Sends me that crapola. And how now we’re going to end up a corporatist country because freekin’ Bernie Sanders is the only one – the only one, mind you! – who could save us. And this is the death of America and it’s all my fault, I guess, because I did not vote for Bernie Sanders.
Screw you. Today, of all days.
Let me tell you something, buddy. Elizabeth Warren was Bernie wrapped in better packaging, no jutting finger, less snobbery, far less ego, a genuine smile, and CAN GET THINGS DONE.
First off, the DNC can’t plan a one man parade, much less a coup. They are as ineffectual as … come to think of it, Bernie Sanders. I’m the one screaming to stop giving them money or the time of day. And Putin has a real funny way of hurting Bernie by putting out bad stuff about Joe.
Good Lord, y’all are beginning to sound like a Trumpite. He’s also the only one and everybody is plotting against him.
Elizabeth Warren suspended her campaign today because Hillary Clinton spooked too many people about running a female. She remains a far superior candidate than the two who are left. My heart is broken. But, I’m writing Joe Biden a check today because I am sick, sick, sick of the Bernie whine. Look, anybody who cannot beat the DNC surely isn’t ready to run a country.
Sorry, guys, I’ll probably take this down in a hour of two but DAMN – what manner of fool sends me a paranoid BernieWhine today?
UPDATE: After I post this, Epp sent me this link by Garry Kasparov.