Explaining Some. Unexplaining Others.

February 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rand Paul says that vaccines cause mental illness.  If that it is true, it is heavy evidence that Ron Pul was vaccinated.  That’s all I’m saying …

And there’s Chris Christie, who believes that vaccines should be a choice.  Yes, the same exact Chris Christie who quarantined a woman against her will for merely being exposed to Ebola.

Cripes, Guys, such Pander Bears!

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Explaining Some. Unexplaining Others.”

  1. Bear with me, please!
    Sometime a teevee show in fiction captures the last word in an argument. The episode “Paternity” during the first season or two of House MD does for me for why parents should vaccinate their kiddos.

    “Dr. Gregory House: [examining a baby whose mother isn’t vaccinating him because she feels it’s a scam; House takes the child’s stuffed frog] All natural, no dyes. That’s a good business – all-natural children’s toys. Those toy companies, they don’t arbitrarily mark up their frogs. They don’t lie about how much they spend on research and development. And the worst that a toy company can be accused of is making a really boring frog. Gribbit, gribbit, gribbit. You know another really good business? Teeny tiny baby coffins. You can get them in frog green, fire engine red. Really. The antibodies in yummy mummy only protect the kid for six months, which is why these companies think they can gouge you. They think that you’ll spend whatever they ask to keep your kid alive. Want to change things? Prove them wrong. A few hundred parents like you decide they’d rather let their kid die then cough up 40 bucks for a vaccination, believe me, prices will drop *really* fast. Gribbit, gribbit, gribbit, gribbit, gribbit. “

  2. Is there an overlap between climate change deniers and childhood vaccination defiers? It seems a basic ignorance of science and God knows the Republicans have that market cornered.

  3. Wyatt Earl says:

    Paul and Christie are pro-choice?

    The difference is my kids can’t catch pregnancy from your kids.

  4. SomedayGirl says:

    Christie and Paul are all about individual liberty and getting the gubmint outta your bidness…unless you have a uterus or would like to Marry While Gay.

    Buncha damn hypocrites.

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Science doesn’t care what Chris Christie believes. Neither does influenza, rubella, polio, pertussis, or small pox. Beliefs don’t stop disease. Science does.

  6. Vaccinations are a public safety issue, not a liberty issue.

  7. Fascinating how these guys can zero in on one bit of “science” that has been thoroughly debunked and proceed to worship it.

    Ref: http://www.skepticalraptor.com/skepticalraptorblog.php/final-nail-coffin-vaccine-autism-myth/

  8. Hearing the republicans talk about choice is making me laugh, hypocrites all.

  9. I wish large segments of the public would latch onto real, reliable, stronger-every-year evidence of climate change the way they latched onto this debunked anti-vaccine study. The clown who came up with it has been stripped of his medical license because he made up his data, but it won’t die.

    maryelle, there are two bunches of anti-vaxxer “gubmint can’t tell me what to do with my kids” fools: the far right and the far left. Somehow they got together on this one.

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    Rand Paul should have been vaccinated against stupidity.

  11. Honey Pie says:

    Remember when Christie was ALL ABOUT quarantining anyone who had even looked at the word “Ebola” in case they’d spread it? All about small gubmint then too, I guess.

    Now he’s all up in the vaccinations bit. Desperation got nothing on this clown.

  12. Bias confirmation. New concept I happened upon very early this AM. RWNJs use it like water to confirm whatever weird ass thing comes along in order to make it tidy and fit it right in with their . . . whatever happens in their heads.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    I guess he’s not old enough to remember polio, or measles, or smallpox….

  14. I remember measles. I got them in first grade about 50 years ago and couldn’t go on the field trip to the Philly Zoo, so I was bummed. If they’d had a vaccine then, I’d rather have had that. And I was lucky not to get any nasty complications.

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    Y’know what really gets me about this Rand Paul stoopid? He says he “HEARD” that vaccines cause mental illness. He “HEARD” that. So now we make public policy based on gossip? Or some crap we “heard” somewhere? No research, no fact-finding, no grown-up, mature, let’s-see-if-that’s-right leadership? Just go with latest thing to mysteriously pop up on the web by some nut blogger somewhere?

    If THAT is what Republicans think is leadership then we are all SO screwed.

  16. What we REALLY need is a vaccine for Republican stupidity and insanity.

  17. This is what happens when you take a belief and then search for “evidence” to match it. Science has never really worked that way. The evidence governs the science and not the other way around.
