Equities Like Global Stability

July 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, money ain’t everything and when J P Morgan talks like this, there’s some people listening.

JPMORGAN: “The consensus view is that a Democrat victory in November will be a negative for equities. However, we see this outcome as neutral to slight positive.”

I bet they choked on that last part.  Or at least the building shook.

The stock market has always done better under Democrats.  And, the fact that a stock market will exist with a Democratic win is certainly a slight improvement over carnage and chaos.


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0 Comments to “Equities Like Global Stability”

  1. You know whose side they’re on when they write Democrat, rather than Democratic.

  2. Malarkey says:

    It really burned some partisan Republican to write this on behalf of JP Morgan. *Democrat* vs. the correct *Democratic* is the tell.

    JPMORGAN: “The consensus view is that a *Democrat* victory in November will be a negative for equities. However, we see this outcome as neutral to slight positive.”

  3. The one factor that unsettles the stock market more than any other, even more than bad news – – is uncertainty. Investors will make adjustments for bad news, but uncertainty throws everything into turmoil.

    Which President created more uncertainty on a day to day basis than any other? Even on a Tweet to Tweet basis?

  4. megasoid says:

    Even this minute, the markets are glowing green with promise. The slightest zephyr of good news is balm to the pig billionaires allowing them to float up to their astral planes. The given name whispered by the powerful in the know is simply pathetic wishful thinking and known as:

    ~ hopium

  5. twocrows says:

    to Malarkey @1—
    There’s another tell in there, too:

    “negative to slight positive.”

    When/if Joe gets to the White House, he will be a known-known — unlike the current occupant who thrives on chaos. That, in and of itself, will start the calming process.

    And then, when his policies to protect the people from the virus go into effect [or when the vast majority of people who are not part of the cult begin following them and shaming the cult members into grudgingly following suit] and the numbers actually drop enough to allow the economy to begin opening up again, it will be rocket-time.

    If, by “neutral to slight positive” JP is talking about the first two years, they may be right. It will probably take that long to mitigate the damage. Wasn’t that about how long Obama took to fix the mess W left behind? After that, though, the markets will take off.

    And, hopefully we will have learned, by that time, to quit handing our government over to Republicans who believe government can do nothing right and set about proving it any time they get into power.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Perhaps the fact that the stock market hasn’t crashed with the recent surge in the coronavirus and public unrest is explained by the prospect that Trumpfs time is coming soon. What Investors are counting on is that there will finally be some sanity in charge when President chaos45 and his administration are gone.

  7. slipstream says:

    130,000 dead in the US. Or, as Trump calls it, a “great victory.”

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    As I recall things went muuuuch better during the Obama years than Shrub. And now his majesty has screwed the pooch on everything his administration has touched. I think I’ll be long dead before our country is straightened out again!

  9. The ‘Democrat party’ thing is ubiquitous for hardened Republicans. Years ago the GOP state chair where I live was on a call in show tossing this term around so I called in to ask him why they always used that term. He blew up at me and the host cut me off and then apologized to him over the ‘insult’. He never did answer.

  10. Bill F. says:

    I’m not quite as positive about this as some of you. My take is that with interest rates a 0%, there is a lot of money chasing any kind of return. In other words, a stock bubble. If handled well, the economy (Main Street) could come without spooking the Fed to raise interest rate. Then the market could slowly adjust without a big rush to the exits. Best case, Main Street and Wall Street get back in line. However, we could see a bear market as the economy improves. Still good for the working folk, but a lot of 401Ks would get hurt.

    Worst case, Trump wins and we all need to use our savings to emigrate to a democracy.

  11. twocrows says:

    Bill F. @ 10:
    That’s assuming any democracy worth it’s salt will allow people in from this shit-hole country where people are dying by the thousands.

    If Trump remains in office, that will just keep happening.

  12. Aw! Poor little equities! Feel sorry for them? NOT!!!
