Easy Peasy

December 31, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So by now you’ve heard that Alex Jones is mad as a wet hen that Donald Trump is telling people to get a vaccine.  Being as how Alex Jones stays in a chronic and perpetual mood of mad, it’s not terribly surprising that eventually Jones would cross paths with everyone on the planet and achieve herd impunity in the mad war.

Jones is also well known for not being able to use his mad feelings productively or internally. He’s just gotta hurt somebody, so he doesn’t give a flying flock of fox feathers who gets hurt.

Jones says he has “dirt” on Trump and is promising to dump it on the public square if Trump doesn’t admit he was wrong and take it all back. Rock, meet hard place.

Jones has dirt on Trump. Whoop-te-do. Who doesn’t?

First of all, how the hell would Alex Jones know what “dirt” is? The man is an electric double barreled squalor machine. Ratty is upscale for him.  How he can point a finger at someone else would require Houdini and a broken arm.

Second of all, think about it. Trump has committed murder by Covid, screwed hookers and then cover it up,  lied to congress and the American people just for practice, stole from the government and let his kids cut financial deals with the Russians, and plotted to overthrow the Unites States government and dammit he still has not been charged with any crimes.  What could Jones know that Trump’s supporters would even care about? Trump could torture baby puppies on Main Street and his followers would say those vicious dogs needed training.

So yeah, Jones, take on the devil by eating out of his hand.

But, it would be fun to watch.


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