Dude, You Have Your Hat On Backwards to Match Your Thinking

September 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Scott Brown seems just real peeved that Elizabeth Warren doesn’t “look” Native American.

Honey, I am proudly 1/4 Creole with red hair and green eyes – figure that one, Mr. You Don’t Look Right.

But in that classy manner known only to the Entitled White Boys, Scott Brown sent his  government paid staffers out in backwards baseball caps to make fun of Elizabeth Warren by doing their version of the Tomahawk Chop and the Indian war dance.

Stay classy, privileged young white boys on the government teat.  Stay classy.

I just think it’s weird, y’all, that people who think they are entitled to all manner of special treatment are the first to use the word entitlement as a negative.

Plus, kid, the sun is bright.  Turn your hat around.  You look like a damn idiot.

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