Don’t Get Too Excited

September 11, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He’s done this before.  Four years ago, he announced he was out, then three days later he was back in, then he was out again.

Rick Perry suspended his bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination on Friday.

RickPerry:God_2smallestAccording to remarks prepared for delivery at the Eagle Forum in St. Louis that were released by his campaign, Perry will say deep financial problems have left him with limited staffing in several key states.

“That is why today I am suspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States,” he will say.

Perry’s campaign, his second bid for the White House, never gained traction in the polls and has run into financial troubles.

Yeah, financial troubles should be his middle name.  That sumbitch screwed Texas to run for President.  How that man became a millionaire when the only job he ever had was elective office, I dunno.

And you know how I feel to see him disgraced again, right?  Happy, happy, double dog happy.

I give his whole “I love Jesus” schtick to last until 24 hours after he discovers that no one wants him to be Vice President either.  Then that fella will be cussing, gambling, drinking, and chasing women.  No, wait, forget the women part.


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