Don’t Act All Surprised

August 14, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I kinda figured that Donald Trump had a message that was ringing loud in Republican minds.

Now I know why.

In the August 6th Republican candidates debate, Trump answered the moderators’ questions with linguistic austerity. Run through the Flesch-Kincaid grade-level test, his text of responses score at the 4th-grade reading level. For Trump, that’s actually pretty advanced. All the other candidates rated higher, with Ted Cruz earning 9th-grade status. Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, and Scott Walker scored at the 8th-grade level. John Kasich, the next-lowest after Trump, got a 5th-grade score.

I was wondering why my 18 month old grandson laughed overtime Trump came on tv.  Now I know why – my grandson understood what Trump is saying.  So do Republicans.

Thanks to Lindy for the heads up.

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