Doing Our Best to Pass the Torch
I know a lot of you may disagree with me, but I was saddened to hear that Dianne Feinstein is running for reelection.
She will be 85 years old on election day in 2018.
I am not trying to discriminate against old people. I am one. But, there comes a time when you need to pass the torch. She is already the oldest serving US senator, and the longest serving female senator.
Feinstein was elected to the senate at the same time as Barbara Boxer. Boxer retired and gave us Kamala Harris. It’s not like a Republican would get elected out of California if Feinstein didn’t run.
She’s had a distinguished career. She could retire now and mentor her replacement.
We got minority whip Steny Hoyer and minority leader Nancy Pelosi, both approaching 80, in the House. We have got to develop some young leadership before the Democratic Party starts looking like Sun City.