Talk is Cheap, Corker

October 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yeah, yeah, Bob Corker is babbling that Trump is gonna start WWIII.

Whoop de damn doo.

We’ve all been saying that for months and look what good it did.  Diddle squat.

Unless Corker wants to actually DO something about his worries, then he’s as worthless as the rest of them.

Do I see a resolution, Senator Corker?  Do I see a senatorial delegation to the White House, Senator Corker?


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0 Comments to “Talk is Cheap, Corker”

  1. At the minimum, Corker needs to explain to Trump that WWIII is not an upgraded version of the WWF.

  2. The problem with Congress…is congress. They all talk but never do a thing. We sit here and say they must all be replaced, but then say ” not my guy he or she is OK”. Fortunately my guys are Dems, but still none has the enough nerve to get together and help save us from this administration. Do something stop all this rhetoric!

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    “Do I see a resolution, Senator Corker?  Do I see a senatorial delegation to the White House, Senator Corker?”

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, the last delegation to the Oval Crib Spot that Donnie listened to was led by Chuck and Nancy. No doubt in true snacilbupeR fashion Bob is waiting for the Democrats to lead. Again.

    2018 campaign: Republicans can’t, won’t and don’t lead!

  4. My congresspeople are Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan and Don Young. I would gladly see them all replaced, but this oil redneck state is so red that it’s pretty close to impossible. Lisa breaks away and does the right thing once in awhile but not often enough. We can expect nothing good from Republicans.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Um…. that all would require (1) a backbone, and (2) leadership. Two things currently in short supply on their side.

    WWIII? Only if we let it people. They stormed the Bastille didn’t they? It was the women who walked 12 miles to get “The Baker” and his wife. History may just have to repeat itself.

  6. I don’t keep track, but some columnist referring to Corker’s “adult day care in the WH” remark mentioned that Corker was one of Trump’s early supporters for the presidency. If that’s true, I’d like him to make a public statement that he was dead wrong and he apologizes for whatever influence he had on this outcome. Then I’ll listen to his criticism. Good one on the adult day care, though.

  7. Michael Smerconish says Corker seems to be building a 25th amendment case. That would be nice. Not sure but I think that could happen fast and not be a long drawn out affair, like Mueller’s investigation, or impeachment.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Rhea, you’re correct. Corker was amongst the first to endorse Donnie. There are pictures of Corker campaigning for Donnie.

  9. Sen Corker should be about the business of soliciting from VP Dense a document in conformance with the requirements of Amendment XXV Section 4. I’m pretty sure Kelly, Mattis, Tillerson, Munchkin, and Ernie would vote yea.

  10. Lunargent says:

    Much as I share everyone’s frustration and cynicism, I’m encouraged by this event.

    Having a prominent Republican say this, out loud and in public, shows that, even if he’s not running again, Corker feels that he has nothing to fear from Trump or Trump’s base. I think other Repugs may follow suit.

    Cracks in the wall – shine a spotlight on every one.

  11. That Other Jean says:

    It’s a start. Apparently, it represents a real change of heart on Sen. Corker’s part, which is good. I hope other disillusioned Republicans join him in their criticism, and I hope they don’t just talk. Going en masse to do as Rick suggested would be a very good thing. So would a serious examination of the grounds for invoking Amendment 24, if it can be done without the VP, who doesn’t seem to be on board, yet.

  12. This senator is not one of those who won’t take your e-mails if you’re not from his state. I would suggest that all of us (I just did) send him messages encouraging him to gather other like minded Republicans who aren’t afraid to do something about the nut in the White House. I know there won’t be many, but if he can get enough of them to do it, it will benefit all of us, and it can’t hurt to say so.

  13. Tilphousia says:

    Sadly the rethugs won’t do anything till there’s no other option no matter what the cost to the United States and the world. The rethugs are quisling cowards. They’re ready to overlook treason to get what they want. TREASON! The are immoral, soulless and bought and paid for by every group that would like to see the United States fail. They should be imptisoned for life at hard labor. Something they are completely unacquainted with.

  14. The GOP will not oust Trump until it becomes obvious that he’s hurting their GOP re-election chances. Not the country, because they’ve proven repeatedly that they don’t care squat about the country. But if Trump’s fanatical he-walks-on-water base crumbles, or there’s enough outrage about the nuclear war that he’s started, they’ll drop him like a fresh cowflop.

    And then we’ll be stuck with theocrat Pence.
