
August 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “Divided”

  1. … and Russia helped pay for it…

  2. LizzyMom says:

    That cartoon really nailed it.

  3. What a BS cartoon!

    It shows Ttump working.
    I don’t think that could be so.

  4. frankito says:
    “What a BS cartoon!
    It shows Ttump working.”

    You got that right frankito.
    In this case, the Trump on the the ladder must represent the contractors he hires and then doesn’t pay.

    Trump also hasn’t picked up anything heavier than a TV remote since who knows when – – so the bricks (or blocks) used to build the wall gotta be metaphorical. He’s building a wall that divides us one racist, lying, prejudicial Tweet at a time.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Jarvanka need to provide Donnie with paste and those little plastic kindergarten scissors for his tiny little hands. Set him in a corner and he can build his wall out of all the cartoons mocking his st00pidity.
