Deus ex Machina
Forgive me if I’ve told you this story before. Years and years ago, my county bought new voting machines. Up until then, we voted scan-tron with paper ballots that could be hand counted if need be.
A lot of people who had lost money in a Coke machine weren’t too excited about computers with no paper trail and we raise a bunch of hell about there being no paper trail on the machines being considered. So, the county commissioners called a big meeting for the makers of the three machines being considered to explain how the machine worked and how safe they were.
After they explained them all and allowed us to use them in real time, they asked us to vote on which one we liked best. And how did they ask us to vote? They handed us a pencil and paper. Yeah, my point exactly. When I asked the geniuses on commissioner court why we weren’t voting on one of the machines, they replied, in that real sarcastic voice that county commissioners develop during their first month in office, that for sure someone would complain that the voting was rigged and they wanted proof. Yeah, someone replied, and the important lesson we learned here today is ….
We are finally getting new machines with a paper trail mainly because it got too damn embarrassing to say to new voters, “It works just like a rotary phone.”
Anyway, I started this story to tell you that we got troubles.
Pete Buttigieg’s campaign sent a letter to the Nevada State Democratic Party on Sunday, alleging that there are “material irregularities pertaining to the process of integrating early votes into the in-person precinct caucus results” and asking the party to take three concrete steps to address the purported issues.
With Trump firing a guy who says that Russia is interfering with our election and hiring one to say, “Premier Trump assures us that’s not happening,” I’m probably not the only one with a wary look on my face.
Look, I don’t think Bernie Sanders stole that election, and no matter what Chris Matthews says, I think it was legit. (By the way, don’t watch Chris Mathews – he’s a bore and you should be eating dinner with your family or good music or something.) But, this stuff is not helping anybody get excited about voting.
Give us a pencil and some paper and let us vote.