Debate: Round Two, Place 1

July 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay y’all, we need one of those play-off bracket things for the Democratic debates.  I’m starting to get confused.

Plus, if I’m being asked to give up baseball for two nights in a damn row, there better be some scoring involved.

Please feel free to put your comments here. Let us try to be kind to one another. After all, we do a similar goal.


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0 Comments to “Debate: Round Two, Place 1”

  1. megasoid says:

    Well, unless you have one of those TIVO machines, put the tv by the computer which would be like picture in picture only beside.

    Candidates will be given 60 seconds to respond to questions from moderators, and 30 seconds for rebuttals. Should be over long before the stretch.

    Rolling Stone recommends:
    Are the debates a good occasion to drink?

    Yes, yes they are.

  2. I’m going to watch the Astros. Except for maybe Biden, none of them has a chance of getting the job done.

  3. With Tulsi’s appearance on tuckers hate fest at faux I question why is she even on stage with the D’s?
    Appearance on faux news puts a big black mark against any of the D candidates.

  4. charles phillips says:

    Screw the debates, let that crap go until after Iowa.

  5. megasoid says:

    Trump’s tax returns required under new California election law

    SACRAMENTO — President Trump will be ineligible for California’s primary ballot next year unless he discloses his tax returns under a state law that immediately took effect Tuesday, an unprecedented mandate that is almost certain to spark a high-profile court fight and might encourage other states to adopt their own unconventional rules for presidential candidates.

    The law, signed by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom on his final day to take action and passed on a strict party-line vote in the Legislature, requires all presidential candidates to submit five years of income tax filings. They must do so by late November in order to secure a spot on California’s presidential primary ballot in March. State elections officials will post the financial documents online, although certain private information must first be redacted.

    Here is some potential allegorical imagery.

    P-51 Cadillac of the skies

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Phillips@4, I’ve already scratched 5 in the debate tonight. They just need to read my memo. 😀

    Seriously. Marianne, Delaney, Hickenlooper, Tim Ryan and Steve Bullock gone. Check your twitter accounts, kids. #DeleteYourself

    That leaves Bernie, Liz Warren, Pete, Beto and Amy K to sort themselves out tonight. or not. Prediction: Senator Warren breaks out of this pack of ten. Sanders & Klobuchar to remain in the Senate. Pete & Beto, go home to knock a Republicon out of Congress.

    Next night? Will Kamala send Joe off to cry, or does he sleep walk to another month? Some solid administration choices in the rest of this pack. Jay Inslee for certain.

  7. megasoid says:

    Lets try that one again.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    Jane & PKM took the words out of my mouth. CNN set speaking policies but none have been followed – it’s just a shout fest!

  9. El Jefe says:

    OMG. The Dems are going to blow it. They’re actually going to blow it. This is the worst television program since ABC’s Cavemen. Holy Jesus.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Grandma Ada, thank you and everyone who understands this is a pivotal moment. Or, as we dumb jocks say, let’s win. Time for the Democratic Party to seize the lead, or watch democracy die.

    The Republicons set a template when from the ashes of twenty or so morons, they emerged with Cruz, Kasich and Trump from which IQ4.5 emerged. We’re better than that; don’t let Joe Biden be our Jeb Bush. To do Republicon redux we’d need Hickenlooper and Tim Ryan to give rise to what’s her name the whack job from not Gilligan’s Island Marianne. Not happening.

    At least I hope not. Can’t explain why, but I trust Tom Perez. Sort of new for me as I generally don’t either trust or like people I don’t respect. Tom is deliberative when he should be decisive. If I had to choose one phrase for Tom’s style it would be laissez faire. But somehow for once in the history of the DNC there may be a guy wise enough to step aside and let the people decide.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, suck it up, buttercup. This is not the time to drag your dick and/or skirt in the dirt. You are better than that.

    Try as they may, CNN and MSNBC cannot stop the flow of information.

    As someone I have seen to be a smooth blend erudite and combative, wtf are you hearing/seeing?

  12. El Jefe says:

    @JPKM – I’m seeing a 2 hour lightning round shit show that is not enlightening in the slightest. Do you actually think this idiotic format works for anyone besides Dem loyalists? If you do, I’ve got a retirement plan from Acme Insurance I’d like to sell you. This is the stupidest, foolhardy effort by the DNC since Obama handed it to Hillary in 2012. Holy Jesus squared.

  13. megasoid says:

    I saw many of the people still raising their hands which was the msnbc rule and not cnn’s rule. Moderators behaved like automatons slicing thoughts of the candidates off mid-sentence. Not much better than killing the mike or using an air horn.

    People DO want to finish a thought and they did not enforce the talking over someone’s mike time.

  14. El Jefe:
    I gotta disagree.
    This was about choosing a candidate.
    We live in a different world than we did even 4 years ago.
    Nobody interested in politics was gonna change they’re source of information tonight.
    I really don’t see many indepentants tuning in.
    Which is a shame, because it showcased 10 people with ideas orders of magnitude better in 15 minutes than repugnantcans fielded the entire campaign until Donald f**king Trump sh*t his opponents outta his ass.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, it’s no surprise the networks don’t really want a horse race. They prefer a shitshow. If the DNC gets real it’s a Warren Harris race to the convention. Only question is will it be Warren/Harris or Harris/Warren. Joe Biden is a sideshow, unless the DNC under milquetoast nice guy and forgettable what’s his name does a Debbie WTF Schultz. Oh yeah. Tom Perez.

    Maybe tonight wasn’t “the” night and it will be up to Kamala Harris to collect Uncle Joe’s car keys tomorrow night.

  16. I’m with you, Jane & PKM. Waiting to see Kamala bust it open tomorrow.

  17. Here’s your Democratic candidate bracket ….

    The kicker … it’s available from … CNN ! Which means you nailed their strategy. They actually are approaching the future of our Nation just like March Madness.

  18. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I’m just waiting for the moment when a prominent candidate says “No thank you” to one of these nonsensical debates. They’re challenging celebrity golf and bowling for the championship trophy in narcolepsy.
