Dear Senator John Cornyn

June 26, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dear Senator Cornyn,

I regret to inform you that some racist degenerate hacked your Twitter account and made you look like a damn fool.  You need to change your password and your thinking mechanism.

Love and fried okra,
Juanita Jean


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0 Comments to “Dear Senator John Cornyn”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    So, he wants to bring back apartheid (Plessy) as well as segregated schools? Does he also the Thomas Court to overturn NY Times v Sulllivan, so he can sue people for libel if they call him a racist?

  2. G Foresight says:

    Apparently no hacking of his Twit account was required. That posing sounds gen-u-ine John.

  3. They are so dishonest. Quit giving them the benefit of the doubt.
    They know exactly what they are saying. Linsey Graham this morning saying the anti-abortion protesters were never violent. They killed doctors, bombed clinics and harassed people. the doctors were murdered in their homes and one in his church.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    I should be shocked, but I can’t. The GOP, even sneakily mild mannered Cornyn, haven’t just lost their moral compass, they stomped on it and threw it overboard.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Ya, pure shiny white guy would make such a comment in response to the first black POTUS. He’s been seething ever since.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    What Grandma Ada said.

  7. Nick Carraway says:

    Well, they can’t overturn an amendment without another amendment, so at least they can’t bring slavery back.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Nick Carraway @7,
    Get real Nick, you’re always waaay to optimistic, upbeat, and trusting. The return of slavery is absolutely on the Rethuglikans wishlist and moving up it.
    BTW, in your recent article you listed a couple items on Subprime Thomas’ wishlist. You forgot to add the potentially worst one, he/they fervently want to end contraception, all forms of it, BC pills, etc. Bring on the ‘breeder class’ of ‘Murikan’ sub-citizens/slaves, babeee.

    I would advise you to just always assume that the Rethugs can and will do the absolutely worst things imaginable.
    But I’ve found that you’re incapable of that mindset [bless yer lil’ sainted pointy head]. So just enjoy your well-earned vacation and try not too think of all this crap.
    I’ll guarandamntee it’ll be worse when you get back home.

    If’n it ain’t the Subprime Court coming up with more super harmful bullshit, Cruz, Cornyn, Moscow Mitch, the Mango Mussolini, and/or the MAGAot morons will have something nasty cooking. Count on it.

  9. Nick Carraway says:

    When slavery happens then democracy officially ends. Everything else can be codified by law and I have no doubt of their desires. If we get much further down this road we are taking a permanent vacation. Ireland sounds nice. One of us has Irish blood, they speak English, and there are no snakes thanks to St. Patrick.
