Dan Patrick is Going For the Craziest Sumbitch in Texas Award

December 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas State Senator Dan Patrick is becoming the Goofball Whisperer.

DanPatrick041210He’s running for Lt. Governor in the Terror Trifecta of incumbent David Dewhurst, Patrick, and the usual holder of the Holy Crap, What’s He Thinking? title, former land commissioner Jerry Patterson.

Patrick appeared on a west Texas radio show and expounded …

“Think about this, Chad. God has used Phil, of all people, a ‘Duck Dynasty’ show, to say clearly what He is thinking. I don’t agree with the way Phil said some things in the article, maybe God would not have used those words, but when he’s talking about God, and he’s talking about the principles of the Bible, that’s powerful.

So, answer me this.  If that was God talking, why does he use words he wouldn’t use?  You’re cruising for a headache on this one, Honey.  If I ever call you on the phone and I’m using words I normally don’t use and sound like somebody from Boston, it probably ain’t me.

You know, when Moses came down from the mountain, God’s words were inscribed in stone, not gibbered through some guy who thought slavery was pretty damn cool for African Americans.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


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