Damn it

November 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so there’s this little surprise.

In a move that is being decried by several members of the Texas congressional delegation, the U.S. Border Patrol announced Monday that it would be conducting an Election Day crowd control exercise in El Paso, the hometown of Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Beto O’Rourke.

This will be done right next to a Hispanic neighborhood.  On freekin’ election day.  In full riot gear.

Oh no, it could not have been done yesterday or tomorrow.  Nor could it have been announced a week ago so we could do something about it.  Nor could it have happened in any of the other 1,254 miles of Texas border with Mexico.


Thanks to AlaninAustin for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Damn it”


  2. Charles R Phillips says:

    Abuse of authority. Somebody needs to be horse whipped, or at least dropped into a congressional hearing run by Democrats.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Words … remember Mama …. near polling places on election day. One more reminder that as soon as we celebrate the election results on Wednesday, we have voter suppression and so many other issues to resolve before 2020.

    And, again, I cannot stress enough that Cadet Bone Spurs has no appreciation for our military nor appreciation of the UCMJ. While I keep hoping someone at the “on scene” grade will demonstrate what it means to refuse an unlawful order, the flag ranks at the Pentagon have gone soft as has General Mattis, if they do not instruct Cadet Bone Spurs on the basics. I “get it” that fluke that it is Orange Foolius is CIC. But that also means he is not above the rule of law, the US Constitution or the UCMJ.

    And yes, I understand the concepts of “brig time” and/or brig time while awaiting for one’s ‘resignation’ to be accepted. I will defer to Representatives John Lewis and Maxine Waters to define taking a stand.

  4. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Next up: Traffic stops for registration & insurance checks near mostly minority polling places. (You heard it here first.)

  5. I just read this in the Wapo, and about spewed my coffee onto the laptop. You’re my second stop after I get the headlines, and you were already on it! That’s the only reason why I love that you are a couple of time zones ahead of me. I swear, I’d march myself into El Paso and help form a human chain around the voters.

  6. When I voted a couple of weeks ago at the only ‘early voting’ location in the county at the county annex in the county seat town, some sheriff’s deputies first hovered around nearby in their vehicles as people waited in a long outdoors line.
    Then one of the deputies pulled his SUV up close and parked in the courtyard (former elem school), then walked around up and down the line, and finally made a rather strange ‘good morning’ announcement while facing much of the line of voters.
    I had no idea what to make of it. Maybe some kind of intimidation, but most of the people in line were Anglos, trending older, with relatively few Hispanics, also mostly older. The county votes about 74% Rethug anyway.

    Maybe just a sign of how much our local police forces have expanded in the last two decades, now looking for something to keep busy with.
    There used to be maybe one night duty cop in the main town (pop <~4K back then), and a deputy or two for a 1000 sq mile county area at night (plus a few DPS on highway patrol). The sheriffs deputies also covered all of the other little towns, as they had no police forces (there are only 4-5 towns in the whole county anyway).

    BTW, one of those little outlying towns is Sutherland Springs, and yesterday was the one year anniversary of that church massacre where 26 people were slaughtered, more wounded (compare to Pittsburgh).

  7. Go to the Texas Monthly connection (“this little surprise” in the first sentence of this entry, and read that the “exercise” has been indefinitely postponed. Ya-hoo!!!

  8. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Yea! That’s good news.

  9. Jere Armen says:

    UPDATE: The Border Patrol has since had a change of mind. Your own link to Texas Monthly now shows that the exercise WILL NOT be carried out on Election Day.
    Sumbitches (my momma doesn’t mind).

  10. Cancelled. Sunlight the best disinfectant again. JJ, you really are a sunbeam.

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    Excuse my French: sacre excrement !


    “If I were to wear my blackface make up, maybe you would understand what I’m telling you”

    That election poll worker should consider herself lucky that none of us were there. A thorough dressing down would have been the minimal treatment, and a full-scale hissy fit would have been a warm-up. I just hope that her co-workers are checking everything the woman has done, and make sure that no ballots ended up in the trash cans around her.
