Cute, Real Cute

September 29, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, y’all.


Accidentally?  I think not.

Maybe the best part is that nobody told him.


0 Comments to “Cute, Real Cute”

  1. Elon Musk needs to take his racist crap back to formally apartheid Africa and face his consequences there. He and Rupert Murdoch are the poster boys for why we need immigration reform. Seriously. Enuf of those losers, while we fail to admit working families who bring skills to our country.

  2. I think this perfectly describes this fool. Backwards? You betcha!

  3. All Cat and no Hattle……Who’da Thunkitt?

  4. And it takes a real dumbass to wear a –black– hat in South Texas.
    I don’t even wear black shoes or boots, let alone other apparel, ain’t gonna fry my azz off.

    The sun’s insolation is still ferocious here, my PWS is reading 96 degrees right now and headed over 100, not a cloud in the sky, again.

    Yet another oppressively hot and humid day in South Texas, just like all the rest going back to February or so.
    And not hardly a drop of rain in months to break the extreme drought..

  5. Forgot: I just don’t see where Muskrat’s hat is on backwards? Explain please?

  6. With apologies to genuine Texans, I heard a joke once, that I think applies in this situation.

    Q: What do cowboy hats and hemorrhoids have in common?
    A: They’re both found on assholes.

  7. The hat looks too small for his big head

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    Sandridge, it’s hard to tell from the photos. But generally the flatter and straighter end goes in back, so that it won’t it boink you in back when you look up. The more pointy and curled end goes in front, giving better peripheral vision and letting rain drain in a more directed fashion.

    Regardless, you’re right about dressing in black. A straw hat or light-colored sombrero is vastly better in the sun. Best of all is Jane&PKM’s recommendation of where he needs to go next, permanently.

  9. Nothing like dressing like a fool, when you want to spout off your opinions in public on something you know nothing about, like the hat you just bought.


  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Frontwards or backwards, from any way you look at him, he’s a horses arse.

  11. thatotherjean says:

    I agree wholeheartedly with Steve from Beaverton.

  12. betty dougherty says:

    Steve from Beaverton #10: All of the horses’ arses in Texas bitterly resent that comparison.

  13. I nominate Elon to be one of the first people to have an Elon-certified Neuralink device installed in his head. After all, Elon says they’re safe – so shouldn’t he demonstrate this by being an early adopter?

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Betty, how about he’s like the stuff that comes out of a horse’s arse. That would mean he’d have to look up to a horse’s arse.

  15. John In Lake Oswego says:

    Perhaps he could put an X on the front ………..

  16. The Surly Professor says:

    The story gets even better. Remember the Muskrat had DeSantis’s campaign launch on twitter, and it was so glitch-ridden that they gave up on broadcasting it?

    Well, during the border incident apparently the feed froze and he sent a company wide message: “Please fix this”:

    In case anyone was still under the impression that Musky has any competence at technology, or running a technology company.

  17. Professor, along that line, considering SpaceX ‘s role in our national space program since NASA’s been privatized.

  18. Not that anyone ever really cared, but for the record, Roy Rogers, “The King of the Cowboys”, wore his hat with the peak towards the front, just like Elon. And in most photos Roy, Will Rogers, and Tom Mix all have their hats tilted waaay back, a much dopier style, if you ask me.

    Case cclosed.
