Crusing with Cruz

August 15, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Maybe it was the glasses.

Rick Perry is losing donors faster than double geared lightning.  And guess who is picking them up?

The Cruz guy.

According to an analysis published by the National Journal on Friday, Cruz has raised more than $895,000 this year from people who supported Perry’s 2012 presidential campaign. Perry has raised less than half that amount, $376,000, from his former supporters.

See, men who wear glasses … seldom get money from major donors.

Here’s my prediction.  His superPAC will carry him another month, maybe two.  But unless he shoots an Isis coyote on his morning run, he has squandered another opportunity.

You know, I was so happy when he entered the race so I would have the opportunity to watch him make a fool of himself another time.  So far, so good.

Thanks to Gray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Crusing with Cruz”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    You think maybe it’s becaUse the AUSTIN AMERICAN STATESMAN keeps sticking little blurbs about Cruz and his papa, or great huge whamdinger articles aBout the two of them, on the front page of the paper? Is any other paper doing that? I don’t want Perry for president but I sure as shootin’ don’t want Ted Cruz as president, with or without his papa.

  2. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Maybe. Or just people switching their money to another Texas elephant.

  3. I thought Austin was a liberal bastion inside Texas. Is the American Statesman the equivalent of the (dead, I think) rightwing Washington [DC] Times, or are they putting Cruz and papa out there because the more people know of those two, the less they should like?

  4. That Other Jean says:

    Sorry, Rhea, the Washington Times (aka) “the Moonie paper) is very much alive, and still conservative. Don’t know about a print edition, but it’s definitely online.

  5. Haven’t seen the Washington Times in quite a while. One of my cat-sitting clients used to get both that and the Washington Post, and it was fun to see their very different headlines on the same events. I think she got both papers because one of her cats preferred shredded newspaper in a litterbox. I always encouraged the cat to crap on the Times — about all it was good for.

  6. Edward Starsmith says:

    I don’t believe it is fair to say “… he has squandered another opportunity.” Doing so implies he had another opportunity to squander.

    All his dreams of being President died the moment he said “oops”.

  7. He’s getting out before he spends all ‘his’ money.

    Why run for POTUS if you can’t make money from all those donations.
    Or maybe he thinks he is going to jail and wants some extra money for his family and spend some quality time not campaigning!

  8. He’s been secretly watching the Vegas betting board, the one that handicaps the Republican primary candidates. He was ranked as one of the crew that will be history by Christmas.

  9. Fred Farklestone says:

    What will Perry do for a living after all his donations have dried up and there’s no more money?
    I guess he’ll end up becoming a spokesman & hawking “Hank Hill” glasses on late night, early morning cable!
    What else is he qualified for, anyone know?

  10. Old Mayfly says:

    Perry’s mistake was buying those glasses. Nobody wants to vote for Clark Kent. Perry should have bought a red cape.

  11. Kudos for having the good sense to stop donating to Rick Perry.

    Of course, it’s even more insane to donate to Ted Cruz.

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The Perry campaign has sent out a memo to staff. Expect a similar memo from the Cruz campaign.

    Shelly and the Koch brothers must be decrying the fact that their Billionaire Boys Club is out of control and funding fringe lunatic candidates. Where’s their control and vision? Although a feeding frenzy among the oligarchs is not something for which I can’t help but feel a little schadenfreude.

  13. “But unless he shoots an Isis coyote on his morning run,” 🙂
    Another good one. Thanks Juanita!
    Would love to see or hear you on the Stephanie Miller show. You could be one of the regular callers.

  14. UmptyDump says:

    It would really be a shame to see Rick disappearing so soon. I was looking forward to a reasonably long season of stupid remarks and behavior on his part during the upcoming televised debates.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    UmptyDump, Reince Priebus delivered pure comedy gold with his cast of 17 foot to mouth imbeciles. Will we really miss one? Maybe Reince can work a deal with the producers of “Bullseye” to thin the herd from 16/17 to ten for their next debate. As for judging the debates, let’s have some audience participation. Supercharged training collars and a big zap for wrong answers works for me. Or, arm the audience with tasers to eliminate a fool per debate based on the number of taser marks on their carcasses.

  16. So Perry is being Cruzified.

  17. Congratulations, LynnN, you’ve coined an extremely usable term to describe the deleterious Cruz effect: Crucified!

  18. Spellcheck didn’t agree: Cruzified!

  19. Cruz will use his name recognition from the campaign to start his own reality show ‘Cooking with Cruz’ with Texas bacon.
