Cracker Camping

May 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Welcome to Mississippi, friends. What the hell you doin’ here?

Army National Guard Sergeant Franklin Richardson and his wife, Jessica, took their dog to Oktibbeha County Lake in Mississippi to enjoy a picnic by the water. As soon as they arrived, a woman in a Kampgrounds of America shirt pulled a gun on them, said she was the manager, told the couple they didn’t belong, and that they didn’t have a reservation. Then she said “Get! Get!” as if shooing away animals.

Sergeant Richardson and his wife are African American.



They suspect there may have been some racism involved.  Ya think?

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Cracker Camping”

  1. “The employee involved in the incident has been relieved of her duties at the Starkville KOA.”

    Hmmm…. They didn’t say has been relieved of her duties at KOA. Keeping her job and getting reassigned? That didn’t work too well for the Catholic Church.

  2. Brad Walsh says:

    I will say that my (white) Mississippi FB friends find this woman’s actions offensive as well. But it’s also true that enough Mississippians DON’T object to her racism that there won’t be any society-wide denunciation of her there.

  3. Won’t threatening someone with a gun get you arrested in most places?

  4. charles phillips says:

    Papa, there’s always the “I was in mortal fear for my life” excuse card to play, and that’s enough in Mississippi.

  5. One more reason we, in New Mexico say thank goodness for Mississippi .

  6. Sandridge says:

    ‘Very fine people’, ‘only the best’… a new RWNJ-teabagger-trumpanzee heroine is created.
    Why are these exemplars of Anglo superiority always so effen obviously genetically sub-standard? Tell me that that pistol-packin’ cretiness has never spawned… looking/thinking of that, ugg, pass the brain-bleach.

  7. Sam in St Paul says:

    Rename the company KKKampgrounds of America and it’ll fit right in.

  8. Two questions:

    1. Did they have a reservation?

    2. Is it normal inn keeping practice to pull a gun on people who don’t have a reservation?

    I think I have been turned away from a hotel front desk a number of times but I can’t remember anything like that happening.

  9. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Stuff like that USED to be illegal before the Twitterman.

  10. Hope this message gets to the couple and their dog who experienced such insane behavior. Mh vacations have always and I mean always been wonderful. But, then hey, I vacation in Canada.

  11. Lou Kinsey says:

    Soooo difficult to have been born in this state these days. Yes, it’s called assault with a deadly weapon. Unfortunately, I rather doubt Oktibbeha county will do their job. Born and raised 65 miles from there.

  12. jack smith says:

    im a pro tourist,(trucker) and look the part of a trumper,ya know, jeans,t shirt,dirty fingernails from skinin road kill, its always amazing how im accepetd by my looks,into a conversaton with the above folks. i can shuk and jive with the best. i get a first hand ear bug listening to the white folk rattle on about how well they got it,and who im a Bernie progressive, and guess what? they just stand a stare,c ya!
