Creepy Dan

November 12, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Of all the people reelected to congress from Texas, my personal least favorite is Dan Crenshaw.

He is just creepy.  I knew him when he was a legislative assistant to Pistol Pete Sessions. Maybe that’s where he learned his bluster and brag.  He’s one of those guys who makes your skin crawl before he even opens his mouth, and after he does open his mouth, your damn skin has already crawled to the next room.

To this day, Crenshaw will defend Trump’s response to the Corona Virus.  He refuses to wear a mask even after Gov. Abbott mandated it.  Dan Crenshaw thinks he is real damn special.

So, it did not surprise me that Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen found some real interesting campaign finance no-nos in Crenshaw’s latest filings.  He keeps forgetting that there’s a legal limit on donations to your congressman.

His October quarterly report has 8 pages of excessive donations. His 12 Day General Election Report has 6 additional pages.

This ain’t pencil and paper high math.  If you simply enter contributions into a spreadsheet, you can see which ones cross the limit of what can be donated.  He’s just trying to see what he can get away with. He’s just that kind of guy.


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0 Comments to “Creepy Dan”

  1. Can the FEC do anything since there are so few of them?

    I thought all they can do these days is publish the financial reports.

  2. So here we have a guy, who lost his eye while serving as a Navy SEAL, who doesn’t seem to care that trump thinks of him as a loser and sucker. Does that make him an actual loser and sucker?

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Considering the chairman of the fec is a Trumpfster, nothing will happen till Biden can replace him (must be approved by the senate so could take a while). How do we know how corrupt the fec is? The chairman (an Austin “attorney “) already came out with statements saying evidence of voter fraud is real and could make some state election results illegitimate. Must work hand in hand with Barrf and thinks he’ll be saved only if the election can be overturned.
    Can’t wait till the door hits all these repugnantican appointees in the ass.

  4. el lagarto says:

    but at least ol’ creepy dan has gotten into a twitter spat with the incoming congressnutter from Qanon, Georgia

    so there’s that

  5. john in denver says:

    Steve from Beaverton @3 …

    Federal Elections Commission is a strange and wonderful body … Wikipedia describes it this way

    “The commission consists of six members appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. Each member is appointed for a six-year term, each ending on April 30, and two seats are subject to appointment every two years. However, members continue to serve after their terms would expire until a replacement is confirmed, but may resign at any time. By law, no more than three commissioners can be members of the same political party, which was intended to ensure that decisions are nonpartisan. A quorum requires four members, and at least four votes are required for any official commission action, and the chairperson does not have a casting vote.”

    In other words, the only way something will happen to the Commission is when the same party has a President nominating and a Senate confirming.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Perhaps when Biden is sworn in, he can add the extra board member to reconstitute the FEC. Can they look back at the period that his majesty effectively had them shut down and make cases?

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Yes, the fec is feces. They currently have 3 openings so they can’t do anything. Even if Biden submits candidates to fill those positions, moscow mitch will block them. And when Trainor’s 1 year term is up, a Biden choice for a new chairman will be blocked by the same mitch. Guess that means not only creepy crenshaw will get away with it, but Trumpf campaign shenanigans will have no consequences.
    They’re a bad joke.

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Is the FEC the only entity that can bring charges related to election financing? And if so, why? The laws relating to campaign finance are federal laws. The records of his contributions are public records. Seems to me any federal DA should be able to look at them and decide to file charges.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    From what I can find, federal civil campaign violations are exclusively dealt with by the fec. Criminal campaign violations are under the DOJ. Not sure what makes one a criminal violation vs a civil. Either way, nothing’s going to happen for a few months, because both institutions are broken. We can only hope that changes in 2021.

  10. yet another baby boomer says:

    Thank you Miz JJ, I’m gerrymandered into this district. If it wasn’t for you and the beauty shop I doubt I would have heard about it elsewhere. What you wrote about how you feel about him goes triple for me. Smarmy thing, isn’t he?

  11. G Foresight says:

    A couple quotes from Sarah Kendzior come to mind:

    “The Trump team can’t resist showing off. They love to be caught, they just hate being punished. And that’s their weakness: this autocratic flaunting. They need everyone to see that they’ve pulled one over on them, as a matter of ego.”

    “I’m jealous of all the people who were alive during Watergate and got to see actual govt crimes punished. What a concept!”

  12. Frank McCormick says:

    Saturday Night Live and Pete Davidson should never have apologized to him.

  13. Had to look up how he came to wear the eye patch. Thought maybe he was injured while running with something in his hand.

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    Another frontrunner for “Why?” has got to be Coach Tuberville who doesn’t even know the 3 branches of the government.
