Crash of Ukrainian Airliner Very Suspicious

January 08, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Iran

I’m not buying the engine fire causes plane to crash explanation being given the media.  The Boeing 737-800 is highly reliable with sophisticated fire detection and fire suppression systems.  Also, this particular aircraft is only three years old.  An engine fire would not cause a loss of control of the aircraft unless an explosion would rupture the firewall between the engine itself and the wing structure.  The fire suppression systems on the 737 includes fuel and air shutoffs AND onboard fire extinguishers.  And the plane is designed to be flyable on one engine, which should have allowed it to return safely to Tehran or other nearby airport.

Watching the video, the plane was on fire all the way to the ground, which tells me that it was a serious explosion on board that got around the fire containment design.  This is very suspicious and I’m suspecting onboard sabotage or a shootdown.  Know what was going on at the time, I won’t be a bit surprised that Iran’s own anti-aircraft defense systems shot this one down.

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0 Comments to “Crash of Ukrainian Airliner Very Suspicious”

  1. Sam in Superior says:

    In 1988 the missile cruiser Vincennes which was in Iranian territorial waters shot down an Air Iran flight killing hundreds aboard. Evidence indicated most of the blame falls on the US. Given the idiocy and callousness of the Trump would-be dictatorship, it wouldn’t surprise me if this country took down the wrong plane again.

  2. Sandridge says:

    I agree that this incident looks really suspicious, from the moment I heard ‘three year old 737-800’ [about the safest aircraft ever].

    But all the latest crap over there is starting to look and sound like “Vlad’s Kabuki Theater”. Produced and directed by Putin, who ultimately controls all of the players: Iran, Trump, Syria, etc.

    Heard on the ‘news’ this morning that Comrade Bonespurs was busy in the WH situation room at 3 AM, yeah, riiigght.
    And now his tv announcement is hours late too, so maybe he did miss a few winks.
    He’s probably grumpy as hell, watch his first couple of minutes closely, if he looks/sounds like he’s got a bad hangover– bingo. Such stamina and drive in Dear Leader.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge@2, do we really care where the ***king moron is? Unless he’s over at Walter Reed being prepped for embalming, we are screwed. Hope would be Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey convening the Senate to impeach the ***king moron. Thus far the only Republicons talking are Mittens Romney and Susan Collins both not known for being principled.

  4. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM @3, Embalming sounds good to me, sooner the better.

    Watched his nothingberder tv speech a few minutes ago. Incredibly lame, pretty well confirms that Putin is calling the tune in this kabuki.

    The door opening with the brilliant backlighting was a nice symbolic touch, you can bet the talibangelicals were lapping it up [real sunlight through a window, staged artificial light, or divine illume? Would think that the sun would be too high in DC at that hour, so? Maybe just a camera trick.].

    Comrade Donnei did take at least three cheap shots at Obama and the Dems though, the dirty lying bastard. Didn’t you know that all this Iranian crapfest is Obama’s fault? Comrade D is never to blame for anything..

  5. I was on a flight out of Houston bound for Seattle where one engine caught fire. The pilot turned us around and got back to Houston on one engine all right, but I can say it was pretty damned scary.
