Crap on TeeVee: “Oh, North Carolina, You Do Not Disappoint Us” Edition

September 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Crazy GOP ads

Okay, so here’s the deal.  There’s an incumbent Republican blonde congresshoney in North Carolina who has been accused of dabbling in moderation.

Out comes the guns, bygawd!

Incumbent Republican Renee Ellmers is facing a challenge from goofybutt crazy former North Carolina GOP spokeswoman Kay Daly.  I need to tell you that Renee Ellmers is no moderate.  She hates Muslims, Hispanics, and hungry children plenty enough.

Apparently her opponent Kay didn’t get mellowed-out during the Pope’s visit like everybody else did, and she’s obviously about a quart low on estrogen.

Get a damn load of her latest teevee ad.


Something tells me that there’s gonna be all manner of insane commercials during the GOP primary so keep an eye out for them and send your entries right here.

Thanks to Claudia for this one.

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0 Comments to “Crap on TeeVee: “Oh, North Carolina, You Do Not Disappoint Us” Edition”

  1. I have only one minor correction to make about this article. It cites the terms “Republican” and “GOP.” These terms refer to a political party that no longer exists. It has been trying hard to become extinct for decades now and it has succeeded. The root cause was increasing global stupidity.

    Just ask John Boehner.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Immediate response to Kay Daly: before you shoot, remember Gabby Gifford and the cross hairs Sarah Palin drew on her. Every one of you Republicons shouting for “personal responsibility” need to take a close look at yourselves and accept the responsibility for the wingnut violence your irresponsible rhetoric incites.

    (expletives deleted in respect to Mama)

  3. Another inmate wanting to take over the asylum…

  4. Are tea party voters now conditioned to vote for someone just because they carry a gun regardless of whatever else the candidate stands for? Why else would these idiots pose with a gun for an election. It just makes them look like a coward.

    What are the odds she shoots herself in the foot (literally and figuratively)? I don’t trust anyone who whips out their gun (or religion) as easily as they pull out their cellphone.

  5. So…. this is what it takes to make the GOP primary in North Carolina? Lots of blonde hair…. and a gun?

    No wonder John Boehner quit.

  6. If the metaphor(?) is that hunting a RINO is the same as rhino hunting, then this “huntress” is trying to deer hunt with a .22. Of course the concept that hunting humans is proof of idealogical purity…

    Whoa, glad to NOT live in the redlands.

  7. But … but Miz JJ … DOCTOR JAMES DOBSON hisownself endorsed Kay Daly. And Gary Bauer. And … Alan Keyes, for gawd’s sake endorsed ole K. And so on, ad nauseam.

    (Kay Daly kinda reminds me of Kay Bailey Hutchinson. From now on she’s gonna be Kay Daly Hutchinson. ‘Nuff said. F’in’ A)

  8. In addition to all the good comments above and to follow, I’d like to point out that with rhinos being wiped off the face of the earth for the sake of their horns, which are worth more per ounce than gold despite being the same material as your fingernails, “I’m huntin’ rhinos” (which is what it sounds like) is unspeakably offensive.

    But unspeakably offensive is what gets Republicans elected these days. I wish they’d wise up, sober up, or whatever the hell it takes to be rational people for a change.

  9. PKM, you put it beautifully. From Oaf keepers to teabaggers, our nation is polluted with violence in both rhetoric and actuality.
    Interesting to see how far over their heads, Pope Francis’ message flew.

  10. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I’m PKM. That’s the first thing I thought of when I watched the ad. This is dangerous.

  11. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Well, no, I’m not PKM. I’m with PKM.

  12. Is this ad supposed to be about something political or just vicious?

  13. e platypus onion says:

    Marion,that’d be news to Ms Jane PKM. 🙂

  14. I’m also with PKM–and probably thinking of and muttering to myself all those expletives she thought to herself. What on earth goes on in the heads of these Goopers? That is a dangerous and irresponsible ad…

  15. She seems nice….

  16. “Planned Butcherhood”. Now, that is one choice reeking morsel of utter f{>>%?g falsehood. It will inevitably catch on.

  17. Tea baggers and others who love t-Rumpish type dolts are those kids who never grew up after high school. When they talk about “telling it like it is,” what they really mean is the name calling. They love it. They love the juvenality of people who behave childishly because that’s how they are. Sober introspection, an ability to empathize, an understanding of the bigger world around them, and other normal trappings of adulthood are attributes they have evaded.

    We’re talking about childish bullies in adult size bodies. They are the snotty nosed kids who hung around with the bullies because they never had the gumption to do anything else. When they see an ad like this one they guffaw, slap their thigh in glee, spray spittle as they chortle about “telling it like it is”, and grab another beer.

    Politicians like Raphael and t-Rump know how to pander to these sorts so they can walk over them to political power.

    These are the ones who want to run this country . . . straight into the ground.

  18. Not my NC district since I’m in the 1st which always shows up on the list of 10 most gerrymandered. This woman can’t win if Ellmers brings up how her family donated an AR-15 to an anonymous recipient when they left it leaning against the garage wall with the door open. That’s the way to instant NRA credibility which is very important now that the GOP is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the NRA.

  19. I kinda remember some guy in Alabama who wanted to get voted in as the next Agriculture Secretary in that state and he did that gun thing in his ads. He did not win. Have no idea whatever happened to this yoyo ad do to want to know. Fading away into obscurity for these types works for me.

  20. Thank you so much to all the patrons of the Salon, and most especially Debbo. Nothing but childish bullies in grown-up clothing.

  21. The saddest part of all of this is that given the choice between a bully and a wimp American voters seem to choose the bully.

    Which explains a whole lot about our current government.

  22. I am with PKM as well.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    Debbo wins the internet today. Give ’em more heck,girl!

  24. Elizabeth Moon says:

    You know…there are things to criticize about Kay Daly Goodhair’s shooting style, too.

    Would not be approved by instructors I’ve met.

  25. Gotta be careful of that PKM acronym! It also means Please Kill Me…. which is what some of us might think after the next election. While I like KMN (Kill Me Now!) better, I’m not going to start up with that until the next election is over. There’s always some hope that miracles do happen.

    (and I live in NC now! But it’s better than SC, where I lived last year!)

  26. Just a little Fact-Checking here: The part–in all that twaddle–that got my goat was the LIE that somebody in this race voted for abortions in DC.

    Not really. The issue of the DC government paying for poor women’s abortions (with its locally collected tax money, mind you) was given away by none other than President Obama in his effort to get a budget through the House.

    Other than that, I say a Pox on all their houses. We are talking Repulicants, after all.

  27. @BarbinDC, yes, yet another example of Republican reps from faraway districts telling DC taxpayers what they can do with their ow money and what laws they’re allowed to pass. Would love to see similar interference by DC in those reps’ districts.

    DC did manage to get small amounts of marijuana legalized, though since you’re not allowed to sell it, buy it, or give it away, I’m puzzled as to how DC residents are supposed to get their 3 plants in the first place.

  28. well of course the ad is stupid, it’s coming from a stupid person. it would be more surprising if it wasn’t stupid. the whole “personal accountability” thing doesn’t apply to republicans, just everyone else. it’s why their candidates lie through their teeth, while looking you straight in the eye, and no one says a thing. it’s why Rush Limbaugh lies for two or three hours a day, and his audience laps it up. when caught lying, they just double-down, deny it was a lie, and repeat it.

    they never, ever suffer for having told lies repeatedly, so why should they stop?

  29. Linda Phipps says:

    Heading for the NC beaches next week for our long standing October pilgrimage. A few years ago, we were awakened by the ruckus of horns honking. Curious we drove over to the noisy place a block away to see women holding up signs saying “Honk If You Love The Tea Party”. The only think that kept us from waving the middle finger was the presence of their “protection” AKA children.

  30. Linda Phipps says:

    I submitted before I added that we will never again go to that restaurant that had a huge TV tuned to FOX in the dining room. Terrible food anyhow.

  31. @Linda Phipps, we went to a B&B near Nags Head some years back — actually it was just somebody’s spare bedroom — and the first we saw walking in was a framed photo of Saint Ronnie. Really made me we wish we’d brought my car with the “Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Republican” bumper sticker to park out front of their place.

    Later we realized that it was so cool on their screened porch because they had an air conditioner running there, cooling off the whole outdoors. A really Republican contribution to global warming, thanks.

  32. She’s obviously not from Wilkes county. I doubt if she’s much of a hunter except maybe Sarah Palin-style. All show, no substance.

  33. Linda Phipps says:

    I will be the one in the black t-shirt that says “this is why we can’t have nice things” under a the GOP elephant. I will either meet some nice people or get my &@% kicked.

  34. Thanks Rubymay and epo. I do what I can.

    (How’d ya like the Red Moon tonight? Must be a sign of some horrible apocalyptic event, right?)

  35. Debbo –

    Last night, we were out watching the eclipse with our next door neighbors. A minister and his family live across the street. We don’t really know them. So one of their kids comes outside, looks up at the moon, and starts screaming “It’s the Rapture!!” Hoo Boy!, I thought. Then the whole family came out, and I started wondering if we’d need a fire hose to subdue them, and we don’t have one.

    But to my relief and enjoyment, the minister is a nice, rational man. He and his wife came over and stood in the driveway with us for a while, watching. And he was describing how an eclipse was the Earth’s shadow on the moon and such. Kids weren’t paying attention – one was off on his Razr scooter, as usual. But it was a nice moment of rationality, from an unexpected source. Though I do question where those kids are being educated.

  36. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Looking at the picture again…it’s tough to be a Republican female candidate because of Republican fashion semiotics. For instance…you need to be “feminine” (the long loose tresses, ideally blonde but at least “feminine” tresses) and that means showing pink (cattlemen and women, no snickering here) or maybe red if it’s the right red. Some ruffles or lace. If you decide to include yourself into the gun club and suggest that you hunt, then you can’t wear the dress with the ruffles and/or lace and the high heels because that would look stupid, so it’s jeans or slacks and some kind of outdoorsy looking jacket. But if you don’t watch it, that could look (gasp! horror!) unfeminine.

    So you end up standing there with your foot on a stump, with your loose tousled tresses and…the ruffles of a floozy-fancy pink blouse carefully shown in the gap of your open “outdoorsy” jacket. So you’ll look feminine and tough together, Daddy’s girl he’s proud to show off to his men friends. A hairdo and blouse that’s not going to work well in the thick woods you’re using for a background. Holding a honkin-big firearm that looks unnatural in your grip, and shooting it from a stance that just about ensures (depending on its calibre and the load you put into it) that it’s going to miss because you can’t aim securely and maybe it’s going to knock you on your can.
