Heads Up!

September 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, I’ve had a bunch of comments go to my spam box.  If you post something and there no cussing in it, odds are about 100% that I’ll approve it if I see it.  So, if you post and it doesn’t get approved in a couple of hours, please use the Tell Juanita button to tell me to go look for it.

If it become habit, I have a fix for it that I’ll send you.

I don’t want to miss any of your comments.

Thanks again to DaChipster for covering the joint while I go tend to Momma on Fridays.


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0 Comments to “Heads Up!”

  1. 1.smart.canerican says:

    Thanks JJ! I think I’ve fixed it for myself. My last post is now showing 🙂 Hope others are as easy to fix.

  2. 1.smart.canerican says:

    To be correct, I solved it with your help! 🙂

  3. I’m confused…..
    Am I suposed to cuss, or not suposed to cuss?
    If it’s the later, you gotta be f&^%@# kidding me!!

    Note from Susan: Mark’s original comment was much, much funnier before I got busy with the *&%*^ keys to edit but I promised Momma no F-bombs.

  4. What, no fork bombs?!

  5. Don’t worry, JJ. I know my comments are being tossed out because I’m a Rangers fan. All’s fair in love and baseball.

  6. Oh come on Miz JJ you KNOW Profanity is just a crutch for some of us inarticulate motherf&^%@#s.

  7. If y’all want swearing, I suggest hanging around the comment sections of The Guardian (lefty UK newspaper), especially when they have some column about swearing. The monitor just about turns blue, which can be very funny if you have that kind of sense of humor. “The number of people who said there was too much swearing in the Guardian were just about balanced by the number of people who said there wasn’t enough.”

    Mama should definitely not click on this:

  8. I will occasionally resort to a WTFudge, but find that overuse of the fork bomb (nice one, Tony) renders it less effective. My son came up with some made up swear words in high school that I still use today. (Shitzoid!)

  9. @maryelle, your comment reminded me of how the school kids in Westwood used to talk about the Lipshitz Garden at UCLA so much. It certainly wasn’t because they liked the art there..
