Countdown for Cohen

February 27, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’ve got my coffee, my iPad, and enough wine and chocolate to get me through the day.

Please feel free to share your preparations and what you enjoy when the big show begins.


Be social and share!

0 Comments to “Countdown for Cohen”

  1. Just finished my oatmeal and have coffee at hand. NPR on radios in both rooms and the TV muted. This oughta be FUN!

  2. Too early for popcorn.
    Vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and a shot of rum.

    Cohen’s initial statement to the committee:

  3. Liberty Belle says:

    Bound to happen – DJT tweet: Cohen? I didn’t really know him. He hung around some, I think, but I didn’t know him.

  4. Greatest Show on Earth. But that was taken when I was a kid. I’m old!

  5. 1smartcanerican says:

    TV on in living room, Sirius XM in car while transporting people this morning. Canceled trip to SSA to another day because I need to watch this. Jordan and his pals are really nasty idiots! Couldn’t believe the GOP teabaggers tried to shut this hearing down before it started – lost 24-17. I’d be very embarrassed to one of the 17. Wine will likely start earlier than usual today.

  6. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    If this keeps going, somebody gonna have to go get a cage for Jim Jordan before lunch.

  7. a little worried about Eleanor Norton – having kind of McCain moments

  8. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Okay, help me. Did Meadows just bring a black woman to stand up to show that Trump isn’t a racist? Well, that certainly settles it.

  9. If they can’t cage Jim Jorden, maybe after his appearance today he can make a little side money as a motivational speaker, and move INTO A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER.

  10. interesting that some of the repubs don’t want to embarrass themselves but instead hand off their time to Jordan

  11. ‘liar, liar, pants on fire’ – seriously??

  12. Wooooweee! Mr. Cohen just let loose before the break.
    This is an incredible thing, I (like most of y’all) was around for Watergate. This is unprecedented.

    The Rescummies can do little besides attempt to discredit Mr. Cohen and the Democrats, which they are laughably flailing around about.

    Their theme, and dilemma, was expressed perfectly by Rep. Mark Green (R-TN): He ranted about how Cohen is a liar, dishonest, a criminal, yadayada, he demands to know why the Democrats haven’t brought some HONEST people to accuse and impune the saintly Mr. Trump!
    Well shit on a cracker, Rescummies, there ARE NO EFFING HONEST PEOPLE associated with the Trump Crime Family!

    Haven’t had any rum lately, is it to early to imbibe some with my ultra iced coffee (been up since 0300h)?

  13. Hoo Boy! This guy seems rather fast on his feet. Surprisingly. He’s really taking it to the Rethugs. More, please!

  14. uh oh – Cohen said it – SDNY currently investigating DJT, et al

  15. amash did not seem to be toeing the party line

  16. Karen Byrd says:

    I was impressed by Rep. Stephen Lynch. He blasted the GOP reps who were on the last committee that did everything they could to protect Trump.

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    Gym Jordan, protector of pedophiles, sure seems to be missing his pal Lyin’ Ryan to the point of being as unhinged as IQ45. That and the “Hastert Rule.” The irony of the snocilbupeR Party is at times unfathomable to me.

  18. over 500 times djt asked cohen to threaten individuals with litigation and other ways

  19. did miller say ‘neonatal abstinence syndrome’? I must have misheard her

  20. 1smartcanerican says:

    S @ #19 – yes she did. I have no idea WTH that means! According to medline: Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a group of problems that occur in a newborn who was exposed to addictive opiate drugs while in the mother’s womb. Causes NAS may occur when a pregnant woman takes drugs such as heroin, codeine, oxycodone (Oxycontin), methadone, or buprenorphine.

    This has nothing to do with this hearing!

  21. s and 1smartcanerican, (The special Amazon drone delivery of tiny violins just arrived):
    The Rescummies, with Mrs. Miller and Mr. Steuben yowling loudest (and now Chip Roy (Rabid-TX)), have rolled out a new theme (the old one of trashing Cohen & Dems not playing well?):
    ‘This hearing is wasting the House’s time, wasting the Amurikan people’s time and tax money, yadayada’.


  22. will they at some point realize how stupid they looked with their willful deafness? – 2 or three times there was righteous indignation re the boxes he looked through – ‘where are the boxes?!?!’ – he told them more than once that these were things that the gov’t investigators had seized and later returned

  23. Guess what MAGAots, teabaggers, Rescummie members– the dreaded AOC, Pressly, and Tlaib are coming up soon… (special UXO retentive headgear will be issued to the R’s)

    So the rest of y’all get ready, if you thought this was so far amazing, get ready for a windup finale. woohoo

    For the Rethugs, I think that the slimiest (so far) were Jordan, Higgins, Foxx, Hice, Norman, Cloud (shaking w/rage?), and Green. Higgins the worst, IMO.

  24. s @22, Eggzacly.
    Dem boxes, dem boxes, whar dem boxes…

  25. Linda Phipps says:

    The Congresswoman Bleach from West Virginia spent over half her time ripping Cohen using the same language that i frequently see on Facebook from the nuttier posters. They are all more intent on tearing down Cohen than actually looking for facts.

  26. Sorry, JJ, but your Texas Congresscritters on this committee are simply an embarrassment. They don’t seem to understand what their job actually is. I kept screaming “BENGHAZ! BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI!” at the TV.

  27. BarbinDC says:

    Yes, exactly. The Republican non-questioners repeatedly point out this proceeding is a waste of their valuable time. When can we get back to a vote on repealing The Affordable Care Act for the 50-somethingth time?

  28. Here’s a laugh for you all: There are several bars in DC that opened early for “Watch Parties”. One of them has come up with a special cocktail whose ingredients are “Redacted”! It’s sooooo DC.

  29. CBS is now back at the hearings

  30. am liking Mr Gomez

  31. now Rep Pressley on T Foundation abuses

  32. Ha! rump had Cohen hire a straw bidder at an auction to bid up a painting of Cheeto that he was already going to pay for because he wanted his bid to be the highest at the auction.

    HUGE EGO move from a stunted paranoid personality.

  33. slipstream says:

    Barb: I persuaded a certain barmaid I know (who shall remain unidentified for her own protection) to spill the recipe for the Redacted Cocktail:

    – 2 oz Putin vodka
    – 1 tbsp dry naked greed
    – 2 tbsp brine of New York crime families
    – 1 wedge of ridiculous combover
    – 1 generous lump of dumassery

    Pour the vodka, dry greed, and brine into a cocktail shaker with a handful of ice and shake until the Republicans lose interest and turn to the cartoon channel. Rub the rim of the class with the wedge of ridiculous combover. Strain the contents of the shaker into the glass and add the lump of dumassery. Serve to the gullible.

  34. @slipstream: Thanks so much!

    Also, anybody who underestimates AOC is making a giant mistake.

  35. ominous wrap by Cohen

  36. Spent the morning at the local VA hospital with my brother, a
    Vietnam vet. All the waiting rooms had TVs tuned to the hearing, but the people sitting there talked so loudly about everything BUT what was going on. It was frustrating to say the least. When I got home, I became so angry by the Republican behavior and could feel my blood pressure rising. Had to turn it off and wait for clips on the news. I loved hearing Cohen tell the Republicans that he did what they’re doing for 10years: lying for Trump.

  37. 2 Points on Cohens testimony and thuglican reaction.

    1) One “debate” tactic that the alt right/ thuglicans use is they will never directly engage upon a issue raised by, what they consider their oppenents, since to even engage on those issues bestows some legitimacy upon those issues. Attacking the messager, changing the subject, diversion of the discussion and challengeing the legitamacy of the subject is their reaction. Then they claimed they addressed the issue when asked in the future to avoid addressing the substance of the issue.

    2) The refusal of the thuglicans to see the wreckage of individuals ( i.e. Cohen, Nunes, Gaetz) left behind demented donnies wake shows a mentally deranged frame of reference where they refuse to see the threats to their own personal reputation, jobs and families. They are so far gone they have even given up on their own personal survival in service to their “leader”

  38. there’s extensive coverage a and c-span put up a transcript

  39. k@37,

    Your second point stirred a flashback of trapping mice in my barn. The first mouse gets a mouthful of tasty peanut butter before the trap breaks his neck. Subsequent mice eat his mouthful of peanut butter, even if they have to chew away the victim’s face to access it.

    Sorry for the windy analogy- I didn’t want to be too graphic so it took longer.

  40. I am so thankful that folks here and other places post info. I could not watch. One minute of Jim Jordan could push my blood pressure to stroke range.

    Thank God for Elijah Cummings, Jamie Raskin and other Dems for their impressive work.

  41. After giving away the ranch the demented one is coming home early with out any signed statement.

    Maybe he has “just had it” and he is coming back to straighten out the congress and courts.
    A headful of steam and snootful of something with unfettered access not just to nuclear weapons but twitter as well.
    What could possibily go awry?

  42. @slip

    Consider that STOLEN! 🙂
