Cornyn’s Lobotomy

August 22, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Cohen, Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Trump, Uncategorized

While the nation was reeling under the tsunami of convictions, plea deals, and indictments yesterday, John Cornyn was blithely unconcerned.  In a media scrum late yesterday he dismissed courtroom events, saying,

“People who do bad things, who break the law, need to be held accountable, but this doesn’t add anything to the allegations of misconduct relative to the Russia investigation.  How does this implicate the president? I don’t think it implicates him at all, especially on the Russia investigation.”

To say this, Cornyn would have to be simply bald-faced lying or be the victim of a very effective lobotomy.  The point: Cohen pleaded guilty to illegally paying off a Playboy model and porn star to keep them silent and influence an election for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.  He said UNDER OATH in a federal court that he did it at the direction of his former boss, Trump.  It doesn’t get much more illegal (or obvious) than that.  For Cornyn to stupidly proclaim that it doesn’t implicate Trump in that crime lays bare his own corruption and unsuitability for high office (or any office for that matter).

The Trump clown car, now with two flat tires and a leaking head gasket, is still running enough to keep only the sell outs aboard.  Everybody else has fallen off (or are on their way to jail).

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.

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