Conspiracy Theories You Can Believe In
There’s this guy named Wayne Root but I suspect that’s not his real name because his little Root for America logo is just a step too clever.
Anyway, he writes a blog and rubs his tingly parts all over Trump every damn day of the week. Ole Wayne has a way for Ole Don to make “the biggest comeback in history.”
It involves things that people probably have never thought about before. You know like: get Trump supporters elected all over the country. Especially in safe Republican districts, because then you only have to win the primary. Think about it a step further – they could run a Proud Boy against an incumbent in a financially well-off district. That’ll work.
It’s hard to believe that Ole Wayne hasn’t landed himself a job as one of those big time political consultants on teevee. I mean, primary incumbents in their own primary! Why didn’t I think of that?
He wants to change the Drudge Report to the Trump Report. He wants Trump to raise money to build the Trump News Network.
Only Trump has the money, brand and fundraising ability to change the media and social media landscape like this. And think of the amazing bonus- not only will 74 million Trump voters have permanent places to communicate, but if we all move away from mainstream media and social media, they will collapse. Trump will cripple his enemies and put many of them out of business.
I don’t think Ole Wayne has any dancin’ idea how large the mainstream media is.
Remember the story about the local town parade and Momma went to see her oldest boy Johnny play his trumpet in the high school marching band. Here comes the band and to all her friends’ horror, Johnny was marching completely out of step with the rest of the band. Momma, however, was delighted. “Look at that,” she said proudly, “everybody in the band is out of step except my Johnny.”
How come all the news media – even Fox now – is anti-Trump?
The reason Ole Wayne came onto my screen is because our friend Henry thought I’d find this part interesting and I do.
Lastly, here’s one more idea for Trump. Run for Congress in 2022. Pick any GOP friendly district in Florida, where you’re loved. Primary a RINO who stabbed you in the back. You’ll win the primary by a landslide. Since it’s a GOP district, you’re guaranteed victory in the general election. Once in Congress, with the GOP regaining control in 2022, and most of the candidates loyal to you, you’ll be elected Speaker of the House. From that platform, Trump can lead the impeachment of President Biden.
Now right there is some conspiracy you can cringe at, and just one more reason to impeach the sumbitch.
If you ever feel the need to visit Ole Wayne, here ya go.