Coming to Fists!

October 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lookie at what CNN just sent us.

A heated argument in the West Wing between chief of staff John Kelly and national security adviser John Bolton over a recent surge in border crossings turned into a shouting match Thursday, two sources familiar with the argument told CNN.

The two men argued about the increase in people coming across the border because Trump’s inhumane, heinous, and very expensive trick of separating children from their parent didn’t work at all except for the people making money from mistreating the children and making those horrible vans we saw with child seats in every row.

Trump sided with Bolton, which means he will now try something even worse than the last excursion into villainy.



I don’t know about you, but I’d almost pay money to see two old white men fight.  All we could hope is that there is no clear winner but lots of gore as they stab each other with their Mont Blanc pens.


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0 Comments to “Coming to Fists!”

  1. slipstream says:

    Sorry, but Mont Blanc says the warranty is voided if you use the pen to stab Bolton. It’s just not designed for that level of corrosion.

    But they don’t mind you using the pen to take a piece out of Kelly.

  2. Steve Boone says:

    This is fantastic! OK, Kelly is a loathsome asshole, but Bolton is way way way lower than a loathsome asshole. I’m voting for Kelly to punch Bolton in the head, then kick him in the balls, then kick him in the kidneys, then punch him some more, then… I can’t even … like … a Liam Neeson movie. Please! Then the Albanian human traffickers come in and take both of them away to be ass-raped repeatedly every day until the end of their sorry lives.

    Hey, a guy can dream, right?

  3. I do NOT like Kelly, but my money is on him in that fight. He’ll grab that big, bushy caterpillar on Bolton’s face and swing him around the room.

  4. Pretty bad when we are reduced to cheering for the lesser of two evils…sigh.

  5. slipstream says:

    Hey, good news! I was able to locate a partial transcript of the argument:

    Kelly: You have to tell him that we didn’t build the wall!

    Bolton: No, YOU tell him!

    Kelly: Are you kidding? I told him months ago that the wall was finished! And that it’s a big, beautiful wall! The best wall ever!

    Bolton: Well, I told him that the wall was finished AND that Mexico paid for it!

    Kelly: You explain to him, then, why people are still coming into the country!

    Bolton: Can we tell him they’re North Koreans? He loves North Koreans!

  6. I like this paragraph at The Root (where the link takes you.)

    “Apparently, shit got so real White House aides were worried the two men might come to actual blows. The aides did not, however, call the police because neither of the men involved in the argument was black.”

    …even heavier sigh.

  7. Somebody give those geezers a memory test so we can properly sedate them with anti-anxiety medication.

  8. I think Kelly should stay because he thinks that women are, you know, “sacred.”

  9. Katherine says:

    ERBWWBIH. ( Evil Rat Bastards Who Will Burn In Hell)

  10. I’ll place my bet on Kelly, a Marine who would flatten old Walrus Face in one good punch. Big mistake messing with the Marines.

  11. Well, I’m pretty much with Joe on this one. Kelly is a pompous military man, but Bolton is a draft dodging chicken hawk war monger. Fine with combat, as long as someone else is doing the fighting.


    I’m noticing that even this “discussion” is being treated as a horse race. Or did I miss the substance of the argument on each side? (Only the topic is mentioned.)

  13. Coprolite says:

    Two men in, one man out…
    Its Trumpet Dome. We all know the rules
    Two men in, one man out…

  14. ….

    Mess with best,
    die like the rest.

    Sorry fellow patrons, descended from an Old Corps family.

  15. Look, this may be the best thing yet to happen out of the worst thing yet. With any luck, it will be contagious and spread throughout the staff. Anything to keep them distracted from their job of aiding and abetting the Golden Gibbon.

  16. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I hear the deficit has doubled because of Trumputin’s tax cuts for billionaires. Instead of robbing Social Security and Medicare as Mitch McInbred wants to do, let’s put the Bolton-Kelly re-match on pay-per-view.

  17. Pay per view! Best economic plan yet!
