Comey Break: Let’s Talk About Taxes.
We’re going to go to Douglas County, Oregon, first. That place is a mess. They voted 65% for Donald Trump. When Barack Obama came to the town after the shooting of nine people at the local community college, “he was greeted by hundreds of angry protestors, who lined the streets waving signs saying “Obama-Free Zone,” “NOBAMA,” and even “Go Back To Kenya.”
This week, the county closed their last public library, because … freedom.
David Jacques, publisher of the Roseburg Beacon, a conservative weekly newspaper, told Vocativ that residents weren’t against public libraries, but a tax increase of any kind. “We’re an independent bunch,” he said. “We don’t have a high expectation of government services. Many of us would like to see them significantly scaled back.”
Tax cuts have resulted in emergency services no longer operating 24 hours a day. I suppose this is because they are an independent bunch.
But, here’s the most important result: They may not have enough money to hold future elections.
They, like many other tax haters, did not learn diddle squat from Kansas.
Kansas Republican Governor Sam Brownback preened all over the damn country promising that tax cuts would lead to grand prosperity and wonderment to blow your socks off. Instead, they were down to cutting massive amounts of K-12 public education.
The legislature passed a tax increase. Brownback vetoed it. The legislature overrode it.
State Rep. Barbara Ballard, a Lawrence Democrat, described feeling tremendous relief, and said she believes many Kansans will share that sensation.
“Now we have a source of money. Then we can work our way out of the hole that we’re in,” she said. “It’s almost like you can breathe.”
There is no trickle down. There is only violation of the social contract. And greed. Greed is a booger.
Thanks to Rick and Sandy for the heads up.