Come on, Flake, Don’t Back Down
Okay, so Mitch McConnell refused to even hear Senator Jeff Flake’s bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller. McConnell won’t let it go to a vote.
Well, two can play the Stubborn old Bastard game.
Flake then declared he will vote to reject all judicial nominees. “This is not a moment for our national leadership to be weak or irresolute,” he said on the Senate floor.
Flake is the swing vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee and, with Democrats, can vote down judicial nominations. McConnell could still bring these nominations forward to the Senate floor against the will of the committee, but Flake said he doubts this would happen because it would alienate GOP senators.
McConnell, who is legally deaf and blind but yet he speaks, says that it’s not time to protect Mueller because there’s no indication Trump will go after him. When is time, Mitch? After Trump’s goofy AG fires him?
Ya think Mueller has something on Mitch? Lord have mercy, I sure hope so.