Come Get Some Smug
So, please do your part to make sure that Donald Trump knows this:
President Obama’s prime time speech lifted the Democratic convention to its third straight night of ratings wins over the Republican convention last week — and now the Trump campaign is exhorting supporters not to watch the Democrats’ final night.
Overnight Nielsen ratings indicate that Wednesday night’s DNC viewership was about 15% higher than last Wednesday night’s coverage of the RNC.
I do need to be honest and let you know that Nilsen ratings do not included live streaming, on demand video viewing, PBS, or C-SPAN. You know, things that old white men could not operate on a bet. So, that means the numbers are even higher for Democrats.
Trump spent a week touting his numbers so tonight’s number are the most important. If Hillary beats him personally tonight, Trump’s “hands” get smaller.
Part of it is that the Dems have such great speakers, but it’s good to know that more people will watch uplifting speeches than a bloviator cheeto trying to tear America down. And a traitor urging his pals in to Russia to hack us.
1Traitor Trump Vs America IS Great
2How do you vote?
Thanks for the info. I had no idea that Nielsen ratings do not cover PBS or C-SPAN. What’s the point of that? If not for those channels we’d have to watch the Tennis Channel all day long.
3One can only hope and pray that the ratings portend an increase in Democratic, Independent and moderate Republican turnout this November.
4“I’m with Her!”
Don’t boo, VOTE.
I luv this!
5Direct TV has a dedicated channel that is a live feed, no chatter from talking heads or commercials. I was going to do CSPAN but sometimes their coverage is too close or too far away. This has been good shots of audience as well as full coverage so I’m enjoying. They also carried the previous convention on this same channel – but with RNC I couldn’t stand unblocked access so I had to switch off.
6I’ve been watching the live feed from The Guardian– and while you’re there, it’s a fine lefty British newspaper’s US edition, so poke around. They’re one of my major news sources.
7SNL attempts to give out Trump water.
8You Tube is live streaming. I don’t have any of the cable or subscription TV that most other live stream services require. Straight up live stream, uninterrupted on You Tube works for me.
9I’m so delighted to hear that the Dem. Convention is drawing more viewers than the GOP’s did. The speakers have been so great, but I was worried that not enough people were seeing them.
I just hope that tonight, the number watching Hillary’s acceptance speech surpasses Trump’s. Because, as he’s shown time after time, NOTHING matters to him more than ratings. In his twisted little brain, this is all one big reality show. I relish watching him try to explain it.
10JJ….. I cancelled my cable years ago.
I’m not really a tv watcher. I read.
However, once every four years…….
I do watch convention coverage on television. I watch the live streaming from the DNC website. Later on in the evening I watch NPR. I would be a “happier camper” if Judy Woodruff would shut up sometimes…… but over all….
It’s been a great convention. Last night I cried as I watched our President give one more remarkable address.
We will miss his “Amazing Grace”……. so much.
I am looking forward to tonight, and hearing Hillary Clinton give her acceptance speech.
Doesn’t matter if it counts, in the ratings, and long as we make our voices heard…… and our VOTE counts…. in November…..
11Well… after tonight America has a “choice”:
Madame President or Madman President.
And so it goes…..
12Hey! I represent that remark! I’m an old white guy (though I prefer to think of myself as an old hip cat), and I’ve been live streaming courtesy of PBS/News Hour/YouTube via the NYT website. Except for a couple of interruptions in service, it’s been great, and there are no talking heads to explain to me what I am watching!
13Do you suppose that when the first debate between Hillary and Trump is set up, that Trump will refuse to go!! That should be very telling if that happens … we all know he could not hold a candle to Hillary’s debating skills!!
It’s a wait-and-see thing!!
14Anastasia Somoza. I still can’t get over that young woman’s poise.
15If, as they say, brevity is the soul of wit, then JAKvirginia wins tody. he’s boiled it down to Madame or Madman, even better than Bloomberg’s “..sane and competent”.
16JAKvirginia, I am stealing that line.
In related news headlines:
“Trump Jr. says Obama plagiarized his quote. But not before he borrowed it from Obama and the Bushes.”
“North Carolina GOP calls out Kaine for wearing ‘Honduran flag’ pin. But it was actually a Blue Star Flag for his son’s Marine service.”
I’m seeing a familiar snacilbupeR pattern here— finger-pointing combined with ignorance.
17The legendary Dolores Huerta just spoke. She’s a co-founder of the United Farm Workers. She reminds me of the Lakota Grandmothers. She’s wise, beyond courageous and incredibly smart. I’m so glad I got to hear her speak, if only for a few minutes. Dolores Huerta for Secretary of Labor. Wow. Wouldn’t that be something?!
(I watch on CSpan. No talking heads and every speaker is shown.)
18Steal away, Rhea!
19I really liked Anastasia Somoza also. I also really liked Na’ilah Amaru. Many, many good speeches.
20This is a sort of confirmation of what I’ve been thinking about why Trump has been tweeting almost constantly since the Dem Convention began on Monday. I figured he suspected the Dem Convention would be better than his, so he had to use Twitter to trash it. It didn’t do him any good because our viewership ratings are higher in spite of his negative tweets.
21It’s about time that the Democrats start finding ‘something’ constructive (hint, hint) for Michelle Obama to do for the next couple of years as they unwind and the girls go off to uni.
At the same time, the Obama’s should settle in someplace that will have a competitive US Senate seat open in 2018 (y’all know where this is leading, right?).
Thence, with eight years as FLOTUS, six years as a great Senator, Michelle would be perfectly qualified to be elected POTUS in 2024, following Hillary!
The effect (and affect) this would have on what may be left of the RWNJ Republics by then would be beyond all kharma.
(just thought I would get y’all stoked for beyond tonight)
(I’m still unconvinced we D’s may yet snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but I’m getting more optimistic after watching a great DNC, compared to last weeks RNC Cuyahoga crapfest in Cleveland)
22I look at the speeches afterward on YouTube because I’m advised (for the duration of this health thing) to be in bed early and specifically not to watch TV up to bedtime. Also I can get only one commercial channel and both the PBS channels I used to watch, I can no longer get. So YouTube it is. If they’re there, I see them. If they’re not there, I don’t.
23“Madame President or Madman President.” That’s so good JAKvirginia. You win the internet tubes today.
I think Scumpf is the equal of Darth Cheney in the sociopathic lunatic race. Scumpf is really Jabba the Hut in drag.
BTW, is anyone listening to Rev. William Barber? Wow! He describes himself as a conservative evangelical and he’s ripping the snacilbupeR for “using religion to camouflage meanness.” Rev. Barber is a big, black sumbitch too. I’m intimidated.
24Dems trounce Trump’s ratings. Sad!
25Debbo … I LOVED Rev. Barber’s speech … SERMON … Wowser!! And did you notice, as he really got into it … every so often, a little smile would appear and you just knew he was having so much fun delivering that fabulous summation of what’s happening now, baby!! LOL
26And, last night … Hillary!! Wow!! She simply glowed! And so did Chelsea! Whatta night!!!
I can operate PBS. Pay up!
27Madam President or Madman President. SO stealing that.