Cluck, Cluck, Cluck

January 14, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s getting really hard to see Maine Governor Paul LePage through all the chicken feathers.

LaPage, who is a genuine mule’s hiney, has said so many outrageous things that it’s hard to pick a favorite, but saying that President Barack Obama should go to hell kinda stands out in my mind.

Then there’s the whole D-Money, Smoothie, and Shifty thing.

One of his fellow Republicans explain that LePage says startling things sometime because English is not his first language, French is.  That does not explain why he didn’t say D’Argent.

Maine GovernorLePage says he’s not going to give his State of the State speech before the Maine house.  He’s just going to send them a letter.


Because they are trying to impeach him.

Okay, here ya have it, scientific proof that Democratic men are tougher, more manly men than Republican men.

Hell, President Obama goes before a congress who thinks he’s a foreigner and a traitor gave a dandy State of the Union speech.  He sure didn’t look scared to me.  Bill Clinton, Holy Mother Mary above, preached what was probably the best State of the Union he ever gave before a congress who had already impeached him.

A lesser politician, or a more timid soul, might have balked at facing his House accusers and Senate jurors at a moment of political peril greater than that faced by any other President for many years. But Mr. Clinton seems to thrive on such adversity.

Tonight he showed not only that he could take everything Congress had thrown at him for a year but that he could dish it out as well, baiting the sullen Republicans in the House chamber with jabs on issues they abhor, from the minimum wage to campaign finance overhaul.

Yeah, that’s how a Democrat handles it.  We don’t throw the first punch.  We do, however, throw the second 17 punches.


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