I Inadvertently Forgot That I Won The Million Dollar Citicorp Lottery

January 14, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It happens all the time.  I borrow a million dollars and then oops I forgot.

Come to find out, Mr. Jesus Lights My Path Ted Cruz, borrowed campaign money from Goldman Sachs, where his wife worked, and Citicorp.  His campaign reports never showed it because saying that all his money came from his own savings made a far better story.

… in the first half of 2012, Ted and Heidi Cruz obtained the low-interest loan from Goldman Sachs, as well as another one from Citibank. The loans totaled as much as $750,000 and eventually increased to a maximum of $1 million before being paid down later that year. There is no explanation of their purpose.

Ted’s story was that Jesus favored him because look at all the money Jesus gave him.  He literally said that his campaign money was all his and that it was their entire savings.  See, he knew that was a lie.

Plus, he got a special low-interest rate on these loans.

Part of the loans were used to fund the run-off campaign in Texas for the Senate.

ted-cruz-really-24784_186x186Mr. Cruz, a conservative former Texas solicitor general, was campaigning as a populist firebrand who criticized Wall Street bailouts and the influence of big banks in Washington. It is a theme he has carried into his bid for the Republican nomination for president.

Earlier this year, when asked about the political clout of Goldman Sachs in particular, he replied, “Like many other players on Wall Street and big business, they seek out and get special favors from government.”

Yeah, like their own Senator.

Now here’s the part that explains why he had to take out a loan.

While the Cruzes were well paid — he made more than $1 million a year as a law partner, and she earned a six-figure income as an executive in Goldman Sachs’s Houston office — they also had big bills, including mortgage payments and full-time child care.

Yeah, they had a mortgage and child care.  Bless their hearts, how the hell are they supposed to live on a million dollars a year if they have a mortgage and child care.  Why, you’d have to be a magician to do that!  Goodness gracious, America is lucky that only Ted Cruz has mortgage and child care payments.

Cruz’s campaign called not reporting the loans “inadvertent” and stressed that they would correct the reports now.

Okay, here’s my question: can we forget that Cruz won that election and correct it now?


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0 Comments to “I Inadvertently Forgot That I Won The Million Dollar Citicorp Lottery”

  1. He borrowed using his investment portfolio as a collateral. Which means he was betting that his portfolio will increase…while trashing Obama’s handling of the economy. So, if he disclosed the loan then, it would have been clear that he was betting that under Obama, the economy will improve. Just when you thought Cruz could not be any more slimy.

  2. Linda Lester says:

    This comes as no surprise. This man is a hypocrite, first citing Green Eggs and Ham on the floor of the US Senate while railing against Obamacare US Senate–yet he forgot to mention this money he borrowed from his wife’s employer to buy his election as a US senator? In the meantime, his theatrical performance cost we the taxpayers $27 billion when he shut down the government–then proceeded to go on Obamacare himself? I only hope people will take a look at who he is, who he represents and what vile people are endorsing his candidacy and opt for better choices for the important job of President of the US–I would never buy a car from this man, let alone vote for him. How convenient that he just forgot to mention this money, and he thinks a wave and an amended filing with the FEC will take care of everything–Voters must stop, look and listen before pressing the button for him–Is it funny how he continues to try to sell us the snake oil that he is so “blessed” and he is so righteous??

  3. Wyatt Earl says:

    Special low rates?!?!

    Remember Bert Lance? There are LAWS about giving special treatment to politicians.

  4. daChipster says:

    Ted is ALL ABOUT the Wall Street Bailout, so long as it’s Wall Street bailing Ted out!

  5. Indiana Pearl says:

    For someone who thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, he makes some foolish mistakes.

  6. That Other Jean says:

    Oh, look! Another Lying Liar for Jesus and personal profit. They’re thick on the ground in an election year.

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    And he is looking so hangdog and contrite while lying like a rug while talking to the media about his whoopsie!

  8. A trail of slime! Thanks to that, he can’t hide anywhere!

  9. If there ever comes a time when I personally clamp a pair of handcuffs on Raphael Cruz, I have a little speech already prepared and printed and laminated so I can carry it with me everywhere. It begins with “You have the right to remain silent.”
    But I digress and daydream.

    Does Texas have a legal provision to recall a sitting US Senator? If not we sure as heck need one. And Governor too. In fact just about anyone elected in the past election or two that still occupies a seat.

  10. A million plus dollars a year, and it’s tough to pay the mortgage and childcare? Wonder what he thinks about families making $50,000 a year with a mortgage and daycare expenses? How about reducing their parent’s social security, and increasing everyone’s medical costs? While they’re paying full interest on all their loans. Thanks for understanding Ted.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Cue the IRS in 3… 2… 1… Pity.

  12. It will be interesting to see if Cruz’s Repub foes go after him for this, thus biting the monied hands that feed them, or continue with the birther stuff.

    I’m betting on birther.

  13. I’m betting it’s all forgotten in about five minutes. IOKIYAR.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Wait for it … Donnie will be concern trolling on twitter in 3 … 2 … #TedNeedsTo____.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    I come within the east,west and gulf coast of winning the big Powerball Jackpot last night. If only hand grenades needed to get that close.

    Raphael is a wingnut and wingnuts don’t get investigated for crimes. Not even Dems,when they have subpoena power, are interested in going after wingnut crooks.

  16. Lunargent says:

    “Full time childcare”. Does that mean a live-in nanny, who keeps His cherished children out from underfoot, except for when they’re trotted out for a photo op?

  17. Or when they are getting spanked for telling lies? Seems to me that Daddy Cruz needs to experience the same consequences he was prescribing for Hillary. So glad these problems are cropping up for Mr. Self Righteous.

  18. I’ve got one word to describe Ted: sumbitch.

  19. Buying stock in Carnival Cruz Canadian Ltd before Ted was actually elected to the Senate was brilliant. Every oligarch knows a that a sitting US Senator costs way more than a million bucks.

  20. @Wally

    Cantcha just see the scene: Charles Koch sitting on his throne thinking of new ways to make more profits, when nature calls. He looks around and screams “Oh pi$$ boy?” And of course in walks Raphael.

    “Wait for the shake.”

  21. Corinne Sabo says:

    Yeah, Jesus gives me money, too. Yeah, right.

  22. That slimy, punchable, McCarthyesque face. That whiny, self-righteous voice. I can’t say what I really feel, because Momma would not approve.
