Circus Money
From Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen:
In 2016, the Russians used the stolen personal information of real Americans and used it to create fake Facebook accounts to support Trump and purchase $100,000 of Facebook ads.
This year they could use credit card numbers stolen from real Americans to make contributions directly to the Trump campaign.
Sound far-fetched? Stolen credit card information has already been used to make contributions to the Trump campaign.
And, of course, stealing Americans’ credit card information is an industry in Russia.
And here’s the best part for the Trump campaign. If the Trump campaign receives contributions which, on their face appear to be illegal, they do not have to return them for 60 days. 11 C.F.R. § 103.3(b)(3).
So any illegal contributions the Trump campaign receives between now and the election won’t have to be returned until after the election is over.