Cicadas Now Part of QAnon “Comms”

June 11, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Qanon


Apparently the cicada that landed on Biden’s shirt collar a couple of days ago was not actually a cicada; it was a QAnon “Comm” showing that their “plan”, whatever that is, is working.  Apparently the hundreds of thousands of hillbillies who believe in QAnon (still) were unaware of the science behind the emergence of cicadas every 17 years, and have connected their activity as definitely a communication from Q to be decoded.  The clowns are hung up on all kinds of “signs” and 17 is one of those signs since Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet and clearly it’s NO COINKYDINK that cicadas have emerged in the season when Trump is going to be reinstated to the presidency, right?

File under: Holy Shit These People are Completely Nuts.

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