This is How to Treat a Seditionist Elected Official

June 11, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Insurrection

Far right wing Republican, Mike Nearman, a state representative in Oregon was expelled last night in a 59-1 vote for recklessly endangering the lives of representatives in special session by opening a locked side door allowing armed insurrectionists in the building last December protesting COVID-19 restrictions.  Nearman is a nut tied to all kinds of goofy conspiracy theories including signing on to our own nut, Ken Paxton’s, idiotic lawsuit to overturn the Oregon presidential vote.  Republicans had been slow walking the “investigation” of Nearman’s misconduct when a video emerged of him plotting with the insurectionists the week before the attack to let them into a locked door, and that is precisely what he did.  The evidence was so plain that even Republicans couldn’t ignore it and then unanimously voted him off the island.

There’s no question that Nearman is a bad guy.  He’s also facing criminal charges for his actions and one can only hope the judge in that case throws the book at him.  THIS is how you treat elected officials who support insurrection and lawlessness.  The same standard needs to be applied to those in DC who aided, abetted, and encouraged the attack on the US Capitol on January 6.  The morons who attacked the Capitol that day were too goddammed stupid to have done that on their own.  Insiders, and by that I mean elected officials and their staffs, helped them with the goal of delaying  or even stopping the certification of the Electoral College vote.  Elected officials, including the Vice President, could have easily been killed by said morons.  Those officials also must have the book thrown at them including jail time.  That’s how you put a stop to this nonsense.

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0 Comments to “This is How to Treat a Seditionist Elected Official”

  1. Malarkey says:

    I completely agree, El Jefe, but it seems to me that January 6 is falling off the collective radar. A march in support of justice for January 6 is one I would get off my butt in NoVA and go downtown for.

  2. rastybob says:

    If he were from TX,or AZ.. He would be a Hero..
    He will get a lot of GOP money.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    In the prescient words of Mo Brooks, I’m ready to take names and kick a$$. I’m tired of all the Democratic politeness over 1/6.

  4. I believe insurrection is a capital offense.

  5. Buttermilk Sky says:

    We never did find out who disabled the alarms in Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s office that day. I’ll bet it was the Greene woman.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Most of Oregonians are glad he finally got held accountable for what was clearly caught on video even before the meeting he held with his co-insurrectionists. He needs to be criminally held accountable, too.
    I said most Oregonians because a large chunk of the state (geographically) wants to move to Idaho. Nearduhwell nearman will become a martyr to those folks so maybe he can hide out with them. Join forces with ammon bundy.

  7. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Steve (#6) Yes, I was thinking the same thing. The rise of Bundy in Idaho is a worrying trend. Bundy led a rally near Payette, Idaho recently that there was, sadly, a fairly large turn-out for in the beautiful Treasure Valley. I have friends there and they were shocked. After watching that AssHat spew his bile and remembering his family is still thumbing their nose at the Feds in Nevada I wonder where it will be safe to think it is safe in a couple more years. For Bundy acolytes Nearman is truly a feature not a bug. Oregon’s equal of Mo Brooks.

  8. Steve from Beaverton @6, About the Bundy crowd and various other MAGAots, supposedly they’re mustering up near an Oregon federal dam because of an ongoing local water dispute [near Klamath Falls, the locals are getting nervous about it].
    It’s looking like the prelude to their previous Malheur NWR attack and seizure [Obama wasn’t at his best in this incident imo].
    The Biden administration and Oregon NG should –already– have positioned a massive military protective force around that damn dam.
    Then just wait for the Bundy whackjobs to make the slightest offensive move, and wipe every last one of them off the planet. If these traitorous insurrectionists were black/poc/libruls there’s absolutely no question what would happen…–Ammon-s-Army-sets-up-camp-in-southern-Oregon-with-another-armed-federal-standoff-in-mind

  9. El Jeffe, firings squads also provide maximum great stoppage.

  10. megasoid says:

    DOJ to Defend Trump against prosecution attempts.
    This was Trump’s DOJ ~ His winged monkeys are still running the zoo, ~

    Why is Merrick Garland still sitting on his hands over Bill Barr’s perjury and redactions?

    There are Trump DOJ Officials STILL WORKING in the Justice Dept.
    It Cannot Go On Like This’: Protecting Against Corrupt Abuse Of Power **** Premiered 13 hours ago

    “This entire structure was erected to make sure we could not have another Richard Nixon. And in the wake of more revelations about the Trump presidency, it is hard to say that it has held firm. We clearly need another round of reform,” says Chris Hayes.

  11. megasoid says:

    Hello DOJ Officials: Your Office is a Crime Scene
    Maddow To DOJ Officials: “Wake Up! You Have To Fix This”

    Jun 12, 2021
    Rachel Maddow reports on the strong condemnations and calls for investigations of Trump-era abuses of the Department of Justice, but points out that some of the people involved in the politicization of the organization are still there and Attorney General Merrick Garland


  12. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Agreed. We can hope Nearman gets to spend some “time out” time in Oregon’s state penitentiary. I wish the DOJ, still obviously on “Trump Time”, would kick itself in the rear and start going after the designers, commanders, and foot soldiers of the January 6 insurrection.
