Choices, Choices, Choices

March 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



That right there is some powerful butt kissing.

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0 Comments to “Choices, Choices, Choices”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Lou Dobbs missed school the day it was taught that overused superlatives have no meaning. Math. Now that’s useful as a ratings system. Donnie* was IQ4.5* on inauguration day. First year in office IQ.045*, and in his fourth year he’s* working somewhere between IQ .000045* and nth power. As for his ‘handling’ of the coronavirus the zeroes are exploding faster than the virus vectors.

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    He did a great job of leading his cult down the wrong path.

  3. GOP Senators Erupt in Laughter After Suggestion to Call Corporate Bailouts “Freedom Payments” in Closed-Door Meeting With Mnuchin

    Edit: “I wonder how many ‘freedom payments’ this senator has gotten for his campaign from the corporations they are about to bail out?”

    Reminiscent of putting the word “freedom” in front of anything right-wingers want the American people to swallow without question—like “freedom fries” ahead of the 2003 invasion of Iraq after “french” became a dirty word due to France’s vocal objections—the private exchange helped further elucidate that corporate interests and their Republican allies are very much aware that no-strings-attached bailouts of corporations and financial institutions will not sit well with the U.S. public, especially as working class families, small business owners, and whole communities suffer due to the economic fallout from the coronavirus outbreak.


  4. Lying Dubya redux.

  5. “I’m not here for you…”

  6. f**king trump just said live that the limited, spread out press pool attending his presser was too close.
    Suggesting their number be reduced to about three who he liked the best. And then pointed to a few he said should go because their networks treated him unfairly.
    I guess they all need to submit their credentials for reapproval from Stephen Miller.

  7. And while I was typing, a O.A.N. reporter accused the media “in this room” of siding with foreign state agencies against the American people as part of her question for him to respond to.
    Guess what he did?

  8. And if the press pool is reduced to three, what are the odds OA.N. will be one of ’em?

  9. Stephen Colbert did that routine better a long time ago – – which might be slightly updated for Trump:

    Orange President?
    Or the ORANGEST President?

  10. Trump? Well, its too damn bad his mama nevr had any kids.

  11. Oldymoldy says:

    Seems like they should get their shit together on the name they want to attach to this thing.
    This insistence on calling a thing by a name they think is somehow demeaning to lefties is getting pretty old and telling in itself.

  12. slipstream says:

    Trump rated his action on the corona virus a “ten.”

    Ten thousand Americans are infected. Nuff said.

  13. its: 10:45 am in Alaska, and you have about 50 minutes to express your REAL opinion of Trump’s “leadership”. Have fun!

  14. Where is Lou’s option for “Piss-Poor?”

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    It might be my poor eyesight, but it looks like most of Fox News characters have an orange tinge around their lips. Same with many in the GOP. I assume Trumps makeup person also puts orange makeup on his ass.
