
October 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Miss Lindsey Graham is promising to introduce legislation to end birthright citizenship so that Trump won’t have to make it an executive order.  You know, so Trump can use an executive order ending the crummy first amendment.

I thought Lindsey was the guy who ran around spouting that he believed in the Constitution and I don’t.

Ending birthright citizenship is unconstitutional but who the hell is gonna stop them?  Brett Kavanaugh?

And then you gotta wonder, how about grown people who were born here to undocumented workers and now have children of their own?  Do they have to go back and take their children with them?

Y’all, if we don’t take back the House, we are so screwed.

By the way, Texans, Ted Cruz supports Trump on this issue and he calls himself “a constitutionalist.”  Dope.


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0 Comments to “Chilling”

  1. I always thought the Constitution was sacrosanct. Look at all the people who squawk about not changing the 2nd Amendment. I guess it’s different when you’re talking about brown people. Huh.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Lindsey has either completely lost his mind or he’s covfefe deep in kompromat. Probably both. Last sane thing he said described the ‘love’ for Teddie Crooze in the Senate. Since then he’s been orbiting the mother ship in deep space without aid of oxygen.

    TexasTrailerParkTrash , the snacilbupeR treat our Constitution the same way they read their buybull: with buffet bites.

  3. Most Americans are the children and grand/great grand children of immigrants. If taken to the extreme, birthright citizenship might be used to pick and choose who to order out of the country, even those who have been here several generations.

    I think they should start with Rump and Canada Ted first.

  4. In Gene Weingarten’s WaPo chat today, he speculated that Miss Lindsey is being blackmailed. Not for being gay, though, since nobody cares about that very much anymore.

    I’m inclined to agree with Jane & PKM that there is kompronat in Putin’s possession. That’s the only thing that makes sense.

  5. All Americans are immigrants…even the native American arrived by rafts or by walking across the Bering Straight when it was walkable.
    If I am not mistaken, Trump is a first generation immigrant…so he can’t be President if he is not a citizen.

  6. I remember not that far back when someone told me that I should return to the homeland of my father who was an immigrant and take all my family with me. What tRump is trying to do sounds like he agrees with that argument. Yes, what is sampled on one set of people can end up being laid on all the rest of us. Believe me, he will try!

  7. @sharon #5

    I think the US would have to pay another country to take Trump.

    @maggie #6

    My thoughts exactly.

  8. WA Skeptic says:

    Can we impeach that fool NOW????

  9. Wouldn’t that mean Ted Cruz goes back to Canada?

  10. That Other Jean says:

    So Lindsey got over his stand-up-to-Trump hissy-fit, and has gone back to being a toady? That’s too bad, but not unexpected. He’s about as steadfast in his views as a weather vane.

  11. Lunargent says:

    That is the President’s job? What does he take an oath to do?
    “Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”

    What oath did Lindsey Graham take? What oath did I take, when I had a 1-month temporary census worker job in 2010? What oath does EVERY Federal employee take, regardless of the position or rank?
    To “preserve protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”

    Trying to eliminate the parts of the Constitution that they find inconvenient isn’t just self-serving and hypocritical. It’s failing to do the one job they’ve sworn to do. And it’s a full-on Constitutional crisis, without much fanfare so far.

    If you’re a traitor to the Constitution, you’re a traitor to the country. Full stop. And unfit to serve in the government that you’re working to subvert.

  12. @sharon #5

    I wasn’t counting indigenous natives because they’ve been here for thousands of years. But you are right they came across the Bering Straits to North America.

  13. @Lunargent #10

    With a GOP packed SC, if the SC declares the 14th amendment unconstitutional, what will that say about the durability of the rest of the Constitution?

  14. Lunargent says:

    Aaarrrggghhh – should be WHAT is the President’s job!

    It’s really hard to edit, when the little window with the text doesn’t want to let you scroll back.

  15. Lunargent says:

    Like I said, Papa; crisis.

    But I don’t think it will get that far. Even most conservative jurists tend to respect the rule of law, though interpretation can be dicey.

    I’m more worried that with all the deliberate chaos Trump is causing, the entire system of government will lose credibility.
    It’s like paper money. The only reason it has any value is because people accept and believe that it has value. If Trump keeps shredding the social contract, we’re back to anarchy and Might Makes Right.

  16. Gary Halter says:

    The Federalist society is an excuse to back right wing candidates.

  17. In light of the latest mass murder which targeted jews the attack on immagrants and birth citizenship seems a bit dumber then usual.
    As a group the Jewish tend to have a more “historical” memory than the 2 week attention span of most US citizens.
    This means they remember how the lies used to smear immigrants now were the same used to deny sanctuary to Jews fleeing the rising nazi oppression in the 1930’s and 40’s.
    Same playbook, same lies, different target.
    As for attack on birth citizenship I wonder how the descendants of holocaust survivors feel being that they are first generation US citizens. Hearing now how their citizenship may be “questioned” after this attack on a synagogue might be more then a bit disquieting.

  18. This is a campaign ruse, nothing more.
    Nothing is going to come of this.
    In fact, legislatively, Trump is done.

  19. Ted Cruz is a ‘constitutionalist’ in the sense that he is constitutionally unable to understand a word of that document

  20. In the end, how far he gets with it depends on who backs him up. If the Supreme Court says, sure, go right ahead, the only thing left to stop him is either a military coup or violent revolution. I don’t have a lot of confidence in this Supreme Court.

  21. Mark Schlemmer says:

    In this picture Miss Lindsey is either indicating the size of his
    “intellect” or something. I don’t know. He is a prissy little man.

  22. If it means I have to move to Ireland, where my great-granddaddy came from, I might just be in favor.

  23. According to the rwnj, only the 2nd is mandatory. All other are mere suggestions.
