Archive for the ‘Trump’

The First Day of the Rest of His Life

March 30, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Trump

NBC News and the NYTimes are reporting that it has been confirmed that TFG was indicted today in NY related to the bribe paid to the porn star Stormy Daniels to buy her silence during the 2016 election.  The first of what will likely be multiple felony indictments in Georgia and DC, TFG’s life is now forever changed; he’s now facing years of trying to stay (or get) out of jail for multiple serious federal and state laws.  It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

This story is breaking.

Selective Outrage

January 14, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Biden, Classified Documents, Trump

The list of crimes, lies told, corruption, self-dealing, fraud, theft, extortion, sexual misconduct, insurrection, obstruction, conspiracy, and cruelty committed by TFG is long, growing, and in plain sight.  Predictably, though, that very same list is totally invisible to MAGA Republicans.  Fearful of retribution from their mouth-breathing base and TFG himself, they perform more gymnastics than an Olympic athlete to avoid seeing what is obvious to the rest of us.  Congressional Republicans had TWO opportunities to get rid of him, and made the wrong decision.  Since he’s left office, they have continued to cow tow to him, regularly doing the MAGA Hajj to Mar-a-Lago to kiss his ring (and his ass).

It’s no surprise then, that the GOP has been completely blind to the slow motion train wreck of TFGland including investigations and convictions for tax fraud, election denial, insurrection, and, of course, his hoarding and concealment of over 11,000 US government documents including 100 classified documents and 90 empty folders marked classified.  They’ve also ignored the fact that the National Archives tried to get the documents back for 18 months, finally getting a federal grand jury subpoena that TFG promptly ignored.  When the FBI took the radical step of going and getting the documents themselves, GOP screamers amplified his lies that it was a “smash and grab” and “all they had to do was ask.”   They then fabricated the story that he “declassified” these documents “in his mind” tryin to excuse TFG’s behavior.

Then comes the discoveries of classified documents at Biden’s home and former office.  Numbering about 20, having those documents was sloppy at best, but was immediately reported to the National Archives, and Biden is cooperating in the investigation.  The incident is certainly not helpful to Biden, but it’s extremely unlikely there was any nefarious intent in having these documents.  Conversely, Trump took something like 50 boxes of government documents when he finally left office, concealed them, lied about having them, moved them several times to avoid having them found, and even had his lawyers lie that there were no more documents after returning about 20 boxes last year.  Beyond his attraction to shiny things, a worse reason for keeping them, as Maggie Haberman of the NYTimes reported, TFG was trying to use his possession of US government documents as trade bait to get files from the DOJ about their investigation of his longstanding relationship with the Russians and their interference in the 2016 election.  Believing you can trade something you stole for something that you would never get in a million years is insane, which explains why TFG thought it was such a good idea.

Not surprisingly, while looking the other way on TFG’s hoarding of thousands of documents, Republicans are going apeshit over the discovery of the 20 documents in Biden’s possession, and they are already launching an investigation of the incident in the House.  I say fine, investigate your ass off.  However, the Dems must be uncharacteristically aggressive here.  Each time the Republicans introduce some testimony or evidence about the Biden documents, the Dems must introduce ten times that amount of evidence of TFG’s hoarding, and then concealing his possession of the thousands of documents he took.  This is eye for an eye, fighting fire with fire.  It’s time to take their selective outrage and turn it on them in public.

The Chaos Wing of the GOP is going after a jaywalker while a serial arsonist is burning down the Capitol. It fits.

The Next Grift

December 15, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Trump, Uncategorized

Maggie Haggerman is reporting today TFG’s next grift.  He’s now selling “digital trading cards” of, you guessed it, himself.  Just as one grift stops working, he comes up with another, and this one is hilarious.  TFG was (is) the worst physically conditioned president since William Howard Taft, who weighed in at a whopping 332 lbs.  He’s well known for being unable to walk any distances and famously rode in a golf cart during the G7 meeting in Sicily in 2017 rather than walking through the town with other world leaders.  His physical presence looks like a soup sandwich.  Hilariously, his first “trading card” is his head spliced onto Superman’s body.  I actually burst out laughing at the idiotic image, but I’m sure his sycophantic base is lapping it up.  At the risk of offending, here’s the image, complete with his, “buy it now because it’s selling fast!” sales pitch.

We are living is some strange times.

Reality Sets In

December 04, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, 2024 Election, Corruption, Insurrection, Trump

In a Truth Social post this week, TFG signaled to the public that reality has set in at Mar a Lago.  Not only is there now a special prosecutor hot on his trail, his announcement a few weeks ago that he’s running for president again went over like a fart in church.  These facts emphasize that not only is his ability to take back the White House is in serious jeopardy, his chances of even being nominated are greatly diminished.  Only his rabid supporters are still behind him, and Republicans in Congress are desperately trying to help him get elected to extract pardons for themselves for their participation in the insurrection before and after January 6th.  All of this is as obvious as pink ballet slippers on a bull rider.

At this point, TFG’s only chance of avoiding criminal prosecution for any number of crimes is to actually be the occupant of the Oval Office.  Since the chance of him winning in 2024 are very slim to nada, reality has set in; this is why he’s gone full Daniel Ortega, calling for “…the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” repeating his lies about non-existent massive fraud in 2020.  Knowing that he can’t win in 2024, he’s doubled down on negating the lawful outcome of Biden’s win and calling for  “installing” himself as president by suspending the Constitution and all federal election law.  Left with little else, he’s Fat Elvis, playing his hits from 2020 for his decrepit fan base trying to stay relevant and keeping the spotlight on himself.  He’s even taken an assist from Elon Musk who is leading the field for first prize in Worst Investment of 2022 after his purchase, and subsequent trashing, of Twitter.  Musk has threatened the release of the “Twitter Files” which reveal supposed “free speech suppression” by former management by refusing to allow conspiracy theories about “Hunter’s laptop” during the 2020 election on the platform.  Hard to tell what Musk is trying to do besides setting a world record for destroying $44 billion of wealth in the shortest amount of time.

TFGland is in full frenzy about now with every resident frantically trying to stay out of jail.  Like all other radical movements, this one will soon collapse.  The sooner the better.



Must Read about “Two Bumbling Titans”

November 20, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Crazy Train, Insurrection, Trump

We all saw it (or at least heard about it) when Elon Musk posted an easily manipulated poll asking if TFG should be reinstated at Twitter.  Recall that Musk, just a week ago, announced that any decisions about reinstating any toxic user would be deferred until he convened a “content moderation council” of outside experts.  Well, like almost everything Musk announces, that didn’t come true, and after Musk got a very split decision (52/48) to his poll, including votes from who knows how many bots he regularly criticized before buying the platform, he ordered that TFG be reinstated using the Latin term, Vox Populi, Vox Dei, translated “Voice of the People, Voice of God.”  With the dramatic flare of a Caesar granting a pardon, Musk unleashed TFG back on normal people.  Jesus H. Christ.

This morning, Quinta Jurecic of The Atlantic published a piece about the stupidity of Musk’s decision and it is a must read.  The operative quote that says it all:

“You are reading this, and I am writing it, because a very rich man who desperately wants people to pay attention to him posted an easily rigged poll on the website he’d just bought for $44 billion. The answers to many of the questions I have just posed will depend on the fancies of another rich man who desperately wants people to pay attention to him. There’s an indignity to having one’s attention jerked around this way.  Demanding that people simply ignore these bumbling titans is too simplistic: Their flailing has a tendency to wreck the world that the rest of us live in.”

Amen.  One can only hope that the media has learned something from the last train wreck of a presidency, but my confidence is at a low ebb.


The Tide is Going Out for a Certain Florida Politician

November 08, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Trump

We saw the crack in the dam of invincibility a few days ago when the RNC confirmed they’ll stop paying TFG’s legal bills after he declares for the presidency.  Today, total waste of oxygen, Mick Mulvaney (who is inexplicably now a CBS News “analyst”) said that “[TFG] is the only Republican who can lose in 2024.”  Granted, he told that truth only after telling the whopper that election denial is a “both sides do it” problem, with the caveat that in order to come to that conclusion, you have to ignore January 6th.  LOL.

Mulvaney is a clown, liar, and partisan hack who most certainly has no place taking up time on national television; but he is a measuring stick for the Red Tide, and when he goes against TFG (and he’s been moving there for a time) that tide is clearly going out for him.