Archive for the ‘Alt-Right Racists’

The Nazi with the Dead Eyes (and Spray-On Hair)

December 17, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Border Catastrophe, Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Trumpists

Stephen Miller, Trump’s in-house Nazi who is orchestrating the gleeful cruelty and dickishness of this president’s immigration policy idiocy, was on Face the Nation yesterday.  I responded to his appearance by using my normal coping mechanism of turning off the sound when one of Trump’s toads is spewing BS on national television; but, in the silence I noticed  that this guy looks different than usual – he had hair on his normally Gollum-bald pate.  Sure enough, looking closer, it appeared that Miller had suddenly grown a hair line; the problem with that hair line is that it was…wait for it…sprayed on.  I went to my usual source for research (Twitter) and it had already lit up with the same observation that indeed Miller had sprayed on a new hairline.  Here’s a before and after pic:

Best line in many tweets following Miller’s appearance was “I did Nazi that coming!”  Which was entertaining and almost worth the price of witnessing this creature polluting the national airwaves with his hate.

Apparently, There is a God…or at Least Justice

November 23, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts

The Washington Post is reporting that career liar and general all-round sumbitch, Jerome Corsi, is in plea negotiations with Robert Mueller for his involvement with Roger Stone, Wikileaks, and God knows what else.  Corsi, who’s a founding member of the right wing fiction team, has been spewing lies for decades, was part on John O’Neill’s Swiftboat smear machine, and is one of the most malignant tumors of American politics.  I remember arguing over 15 years ago with a fellow worker who had read one of Corsi’s books that perpetuated the bullshit argument that Hitler and the Nazis were actually far left because the had the word “socialist” in their party name, even though the Nazis were the worst of the totalitarian far-right extremists of the 20th century.

I normally don’t wish ill on any human being, but this miserable waste of oxygen needed to go down.  He is at the core of the rot in American politics today, and him going to jail is long past due.  God forgive me for saying that, but it’s true.

Looney AND Stupid

October 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Domestic Terrorists

It’s exactly as we thought.  The letter bomber today is not only a mouth breathing, drooling Trumpist, he’s crazy as hell AND stupid as a bag of horse manure.  First he mailed letter bombs to people who don’t open their own mail.  Stupid.  Second, he misspelled the same words on multiple labels.  Stupid. Third, he had a van covered in anti-Democratic images and slogans, including death threats to Democratic officials and their families, and Nazi like images of Trump. Stupid. Fourth, he filled his social media accounts with poisonous bile threatening to kill everyone from Hillary to George Soros. Stupid. Fifth, and most important, the letter bombs he manufactured are covered in his DNA and fingerprints. Incredibly stupid. Since he already had a felony record and drove around in a rolling nutjob billboard, he was easily and quickly caught. Let’s be clear here – this guy is not only a terrorist, he’s a 24 karat gold dumbass.  Here’s a good pic of one side of the van.

As if you needed it, this goofball is the perfect example of why Donald Trump is so dangerous.  Trump has no limits, no judgement.  He is so obsessed with self that he uses idiocy like this guy displayed to his advantage.  And while he breeds this kind of terrorism, other more normal people, now called 401(k) Trumpists, look the other way because (at least up until this week), their retirement accounts have been going up. That weakens our democracy.

The reality here is that we got lucky this time because no one was injured and this guy was so incredibly stupid that he made bombs that didn’t work.  But thereare smarter people out there who are just as looney.  They are the ones who scare me.

We’re Now Up to Nine, and Still Counting

October 25, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts, Trump

  • President Obama
  • President & former SOS Hillary Clinton
  • Eric Holder
  • George Soros
  • Maxine Waters (2)
  • Robert DeNiro
  • Vice President Biden
  • CNN

These are the recipients of letter bombs targeting critics of Trump that started surfacing on Tuesday.  We don’t know who’s sending them, but the Noise Machine is already running at full throttle, screaming about a supposed “false flag” operation funded by George Soros to make Trump look bad.  As we’ve seen for years now, facts don’t matter to Trump or his sycophants, and after calling for unity while reading off a White House teleprompter, Trump reversed himself in the evening, stepping up his verbal attacks on the media and opponents, trying to turn responsibility for the growing threat of domestic terrorism away from himself by blaming the media for recording and playing back what he says word for word.  Knowing his adoring fans would support him, he took ZERO responsibility for the threats and violence that result from the bile pouring out of his own mouth.  The deplorables cheered.

Anyone paying attention knows precisely where responsibility lay for the toxic environment that now pervades all American’s lives.  Our democracy is threatened, and could easily crumble, even as Trump and the invertebrates in the Congress step up their destructive rhetoric and political actions.  We don’t yet know who’s sending the letter bombs, but it’s my guess that the terrorist is some gun-humping weirdo sitting in his basement wearing a MAGA hat who actually believes that Hillary Clinton and members of Congress open their own mail.



Y’all Need to Make Up Your Minds

October 14, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts, SCOTUS

I remember, back in the Old Timey Days (2016) when Dems were latté sipping, limp-wristed pantywaists who couldn’t be trusted with national security.  Now they’re an angry mob wanting to destroy America.  Two weeks ago, Americans, lead by victims of sexual assault stood up and said no to Republicans’ attempt to put a clearly unqualified nominees on the Supreme Court.  They were shocked when that pissed off millions of people.  Their response?  Vote for that nominee anyway, then get all sniffy about being called out for it.

So, to be clear: Republicans say that they should be able to bend or break any rule, ram through votes without investigations or protections for the minority, and should be able to pass any law to suppress those not in power.  Period.  They do that because the Dems are feckless sissies deserving of derision.  However, if said sissies dare stand up and say “Wait a Minute,” or try to stop the Repubs, they are then magically transformed into an “angry mob”.

For the record, here’s what the Kavanaugh protests looked like:

And here’s what an actual angry mob looks like:



Hey, GOP, y’all need to make up your minds.  Oh, and go buy a mirror, hang it on the wall, and look into it.  There you will see your angry mob.

Thoughts on McCain

August 30, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts, Dumpster Fire

Since his death last Saturday, I’ve stayed pretty quiet about John McCain and the legacy he left behind, but wanted to share a few of my own thoughts about that legacy.  With 60 years of public service, which included 5 1/2 years as a POW in Hanoi, McCain certainly earned every bit of respect he’s now receiving by millions around the world.  He was a creature of the Republican party, but also stood against that party many times, especially when it was dead wrong and pushing some idiotic or cruel policy that helped no one except its base of bigots and special interests.  That part of John McCain I’ll miss greatly.

Having said that, there is one huge stain on his legacy for which I’ll never forgive him.  When he he ran for the presidency in 2008,  McCain abandoned the straight talk express and, as Stephen Colbert aptly put it, “climbed onto the the crazy train”.  Remember that?  McCain, always known for common sense and a fierce adherence to the truth, starting ranting like a teabagger and social warrior trying to get the base behind him instead of Romney (who was doing the same thing), and ideologues Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul.  It was shameful.  But the worst thing he did after winning the nomination?  He gave a voice and a face to the Know-Nothing Idiotic Wing of the Republican party by naming Sarah Palin to the ticket.  That one action opened the floodgates to a tsunami of bullshit, lies, and coded racist rants that the fringes of the party lapped up like spilled Boone’s Farm on a dance hall floor.  My God, what a disaster.  Palin would spout word salad about “death panels” or “palling around with terrorists”, and all of a sudden the airwaves were full of it.  Literally.  She inflicted a new low of stupidity and falsehood never before seen in American politics.

McCain gave the alt-right exactly what we didn’t need, which was a megaphone that has metastasized into the slow motion train wreck that now assaults our senses on a daily basis.  The GOP bears no resemblance to the business and freedom friendly party of the last half of the 20th century, having morphed into a Russian-loving, fascist movement that actually believes that Trump is some God-fearing messiah rather than the spray painted, hair weaved, lying shitbag that is reality.  The GOP of Lincoln is dead and has become the Trumpist Party which gushes about the beauty and grace of the nude model from Slovenia who is now the First Lady, and actually believes that the FBI, CIA, Justice Department, Homeland Security, and all non-Trumpists are corrupt conspirators out to get him.  They believe his denials about Russian interference in our elections and his campaign’s involvement in it, and support the convicted criminals who ran his campaign while refusing to honor McCain, who ironically paved the way for this rot that is coming from the head.

In total, McCain’s 60 years of public service is not totally negated by his selection of Palin, but that decision surely did a tremendous amount of damage to our country that will take decades to reverse (if ever), and history will not look kindly upon it.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.