Carlson Takes the Fall

April 25, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Crazy Train, Insurrection, Lie, Misogyny, Trump, Trumpists, Uncategorized

Yesterday Fox Noise announced that Tucker Carlson had “mutually agreed” to part ways with the news propaganda network which is interesting, since he said that he would be back on Monday when he signed off on Friday.  Reporting is that he was blindsided by the sudden firing, and that the decision had come straight from the top, meaning Rupert Murdoch.

There’s a lot of speculation about what happened, but my guess is that Carlson had become too powerful at the network with Republicans kowtowing to him and even pushing legislative and policy agendas he introduced to his audience.  And not inconsequential, Murdoch was undoubtedly miffed by the revelations of his uncharitable opinions of both senior Fox management and TFG that came to light during the Dominion case.  Add to these issues the Mt. Everest of lies, misogynist rants, and racist diatribes, and the result is not surprising.

Lastly, it’s been speculated that Carlson was served up by Murdoch in lieu of an apology in the Dominion settlement.  That makes a lot of sense, since he was the Grand Dragon of The Big Lie at Fox, repeating it five nights a week since the 2020 election.

Once again, Fox is in search of a new chief liar to take the prime seat at the network; in the meantime, Carlson will be searching for a new gig, joining Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck in the purgatory of online bullshit peddling to a shrinking audience.  Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

0 Comments to “Carlson Takes the Fall”

  1. You certainly have a way with words – no one could have said it better! As a side note, the air does seem a bit fresher today.

  2. Looks like Fox is not that much different from print media outlets that hire management who do not know how the place works.
    Lawrence O’Donnell did a piece about the 3 words that should have been inserted into every accusation Fox made.
    Roger Ailes knew those 3 words, if that’s true…

  3. Sandridge says:

    There is one way everybody who subscribes* to a cable or satellite [and possibly online] service can majorly help put an end to Fox not News. This minor setback of losing yet another one of their nastiest hosts won’t finish them off.
    Fox is subsidized by hundreds of millions of dollars yearly, extracted from those subscribers, many of whom don’t even watch it. This forced subsidy began when Fox started, in 1996, and has continued since. Time to force them into cutting off Fox’s unearned yearly windfall.

    Let your provider know how you feel about subsiding Fox, and simply ‘Cut the Cord’, discontinue the service until they stop paying ransom money to FuxNews.. If enough people were to do this, they would cave in in a heartbeat.
    Here’s one take on how to do it—

    Time to throw Fox News an anchor…:

    “Fox is in negotiations for a new 3-4 year carriage contract. If you have cable, they are forcing you to pay about $25 a year to help them profit from spreading their propaganda. They’ve lost their advertising base, but the cable carriage contract money keeps them afloat.”

    * I have never subscribed to either types of media service, anything that I want to watch is on free OTA TV [Over The Air] or online now..
    But those of you who do use such media vehicles can certainly help sink Fox to the bottom.

  4. Sandridge says:

    A commentator at the above link posted a good link on how to do it.
    [they get a lot more than I thought: “Fox News makes approximately $1.8 billion per year from hidden subscriber fees”]

    You can safely go mano-a-mano with the MAGAots with just a few clicks. Do it now… :


    “Pay for cable or satellite TV? You’re subsidizing Fox News whether you watch it or not.
    Your cable or satellite TV provider pays a subscriber fee to carry Fox News. That cost is passed directly on to YOU.
    Every network charges cable and satellite providers a small fee per subscriber; the one for Fox News is extraordinarily high. A typical household pays Fox News almost $2 per month—about $20 per year— via their cable or satellite provider, regardless of whether they actually watch the channel.
    In 2023, a wave of big contracts between Fox News and TV providers for subscriber fees are set to expire. These contracts make up a major source of Fox News’ subscriber fee revenue. If we want to stop paying the “Fox fee,” now is the time to act.

    Fox News makes approximately $1.8 billion per year from hidden subscriber fees–twice as much as CNN and three times as much as MSNBC.1

    The network’s extra-high fees, which make up most of its revenue, protect Fox News from the advertisers that are quickly abandoning it.

    Fox News was able to get such high fees in part by leveraging its loyal audience to put pressure on the providers during negotiations while the rest of the 90 million cable and satellite customers sit quietly. With 65% of Fox’s subscriber fee revenue up for grabs in the next 20 months, it’s time for that to change.
    The advertising industry has already taken big steps to reject Fox News. It’s time that consumers were empowered to do the same.”

  5. Sandridge says:

    I vetted the above UNFOXMYCABLEBOX link and it appears legit.
    It was created by ‘Media Matters’ a few years ago, a solid liberal institution, so Czech it out if you’re a subscriber to ca/sat.

    Lots of good info about it :

  6. Lots of good speculation!
    CNN actually has an informative take on it also. My moneys on Profit $$$, risk vs reward or, as a previous poster mentioned, Carlson was caught banging Murdoch’s fiancee.
    Bottom line is a dirty rotten scoundrel fired a dirty rotten scoundrel.

    “One veteran television news executive told me that they believed the decision came down to a straightforward calculation by the Murdochs: RISK VERSES REWARD. “There’s a lot of drama and intrigue, but this is always about managing risk vs reward,” the person said.
    And if you’re the Murdochs, it is easy to say how holding on to Carlson comes with more much more risk than reward. Carlson is not a team player, and in fact is uncontrollable. He carries legal baggage, and the Murdochs are trying to put an end to the legal disputes they find themselves in. He regularly births negative news cycles about the network that tarnish the brand, and Fox News is desperate to emerge from the cloud of negative press it has been the subject of. Meanwhile, mainstream advertisers have stayed far away from Carlson’s show, which is far too toxic to associate with. ”

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    A bumbling Rupert Murdoch thought firing f tucker carlson would placate all those that complained about him not apologizing for his role in election lies, an insurrection and other atrocities. Well, that didn’t work. Not sure this will help in his Smartmatic lawsuit defense. Hope he loses the other half of his ass. As for carlson, he’s a snake in the grass and he’ll slither his way back into the far right slimelight. There’ll be a bidding war for his mouth.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    Murdoch will have to cough up $787mil to Dominion and possibly more to Smartmatic. Getting rid of Carlson was just business in my opinion. Carlson lost the company more this year than he brought in. Now to see if Laura Ingraham and some others with loose lips will follow him out the door.

  9. Ted, not Cruz says:

    The decision may simply be insufficient profit margin; risk and cost vs benefits ($$$). I would also wager the insurance companies had an input in the decision.

  10. Katherine Williams says:

    Waiting in the wings is Jesse Watters, former cameraman to O’Reilly. Urghk.

  11. G Foresight says:

    Rick Wilson’s thoughts end with this speculation:

    President Carlson?

    “…Celebrity got Trump the WH.
    It could certainly do the same for Tucker.”

  12. I’m guessing the quick and complete end to Tuckyo Rose probably has something to do with Tuckums fooling around with Rupe’s now ex-fiancee.

    No evidence, just a great rumor to spread Fox News style.

  13. Ted Cruz had a plan to steal the 2020 election? Conversation with Maria Bartiromo

  14. Nick Carraway says:

    I cut the cord about 11 or 12 years ago. I miss certain live sports events like the Astros and Rockets and some major ESPN games but otherwise that’s it. I haven’t really missed it and even with subscribing to a few different streaming options I pay a fraction of the cost. The upshot is that I can digest as much news or as little news as I want. It’s much better for the sanity.

  15. Sam in Mellen says:

    To paraphrase Desi Lydic, “For a network that was against transgender surgery, they just cut off their own dick.”

  16. Jeanne Pitz says:

    I dunno about quoting a “comedienne,” as she was very unfunny to Mayor Pete, reported this morning. She supposedly was there to interview him, and he took it seriously, but she was looking for laughs and wink-wink, and gotcha stuff. She ended up by walking around the room and handling people’s personal stuff and he sharply asked her not to several times… Big fail. I don’t even know who she is, but usually the Daily Show is smarter than that. Put Jordan Klepper back in…
