Capitol Tours? UPDATE

January 14, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, some Democrats are claiming that there was a highly unusual event the day before the assault on congress.

There may well have been reconnaissance tours of the capitol arranged by members of congress.  Nobody is releasing or even suggesting names.  Oh, that’s not true.  There are some suggestions and the same names appear on all the guess lists – Our Louie holds a prominent place, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, Majorie Taylor Green, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs … you know, the people you would suspect.

I’m trying to think of the appropriate punishment for a congress person who did something like that.  I’m thinking of putting them all in a prison cell together and let us watch them eat eat other.




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0 Comments to “Capitol Tours? UPDATE”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    If someone helps with reconnaissance in a bank robbery where someone is murdered, they get charged with murder as well. Let’s start there. I think this is much more than a conspiracy theory based on what happened. Must be a lot of cameras inside capital, so expect we’ll know soon enough.

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    Any closed circuit TV or sign in sheets? I’d love to see Louie gone for abetting this coup.

  3. “putting them all in a prison cell together and let us watch them eat eat other.“

    In that scenario no one will be saying – – ummmm… brains.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    No can be paid enough to be jailers to these WATB seditionists. Surely there’s some suitable island to build a state of the the art supermax prison. Donnie* can be warden, his crime family the janitorial staff, and members of the maladministration can be assigned acting roles as Donnie’s mood strikes. Grow what they can in that confined space to survive. Many of those who will be prosecuted claim to have survival skills. Let them practice all that conservative “unity” together.

  5. Nick Carraway says:

    I’m certainly not a lawyer and I haven’t stayed at a Holiday Inn Express lately, but it seems to me that I recall that you can legally be guilty of conspiracy even if you aren’t privy to all of the details of the conspiracy. For instance, Hawley and Cruz were asked to raise objections to delay the process of certifying the vote. All you would need to prove is that they did this in conjunction with the WH. You wouldn’t need to necessarily prove that they knew the insurrection was coming. The same could be said of the tours. If the WH (or someone connected to the WH) asked House members to lead people on tours so they could get the lay of the land they don’t necessarily have to have known exactly what was going down the next day. Of course, that’s unless I am wrong about how conspiracy works.

  6. Jane & PKM, Donnei can’t be warden of anything–he screws up everything he touches.

    But I’m wondering if there isn’t space still available at Guantanamo Bay?

  7. Good question ~

    Headline: Why Didn’t The FBI And DHS Produce A Threat Report Ahead of The Capitol Insurrection?
    NPR; January 13, 20217:16 PM ET

    Edit: The federal government created fusion centers after the Sept. 11 attacks to improve communication and intelligence sharing among local and federal law enforcement officials..

  8. Jane & PKM @ 4 and dwj @ 6,

    If there’s no more space at Guantanamo, the US has a USN station on Diego Garcia in the middle of the Indian Ocean or Kwajalein Atoll in the South Pacific would work nicely. Send them there and forget them.

  9. Grandma Ada @ 2

    I hope they have close circuit photos/videos of whoever ripped out the panic buttons. I hope the investigators are taking prints and DNA.

  10. fenway fran says:

    During a recent discussion of this topic, my daughter gave me an alternate to my Guantanamo suggestion, which she considers too posh for these guys. She suggests the Louisiana State Pen in Angola. I googled worst prison in America, and the ADX in Florence, CO wins.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    djw @6. That’s the plan. Those Loud Boi seditionists and Quack-a-Non gutter artists deserve all the care Donnie and his crime family will provide them. Donnie has to be warden because he so likes a title, and his subjects do adore him or so they say. Bitsy DeVile can provide home schooling cell to cell. All services contained and provided by whatever survival skills they can muster. Nobody flies, nobody dies, including the warden.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa @8, Cuba doesn’t deserve that contingent of losers. But again, there are suitable islands available to accommodate the mass of them where they can Freedumb to their hearts content, form their own government, whatever, sovereign citizen themselves into rapture. Only condition – they never leave the island and anyone attempting to aid & abet or otherwise provide them anything also gets life on the island.

  13. New republicant Marjorie Taylor Greene is apparently vowing to bring articles of impeachment against President-Elect Joe Biden on January 21, 2021!

    The “crimes” she is accusing Biden of sound vaguely like something trump would, could, and has done!

  14. Sam in Superior says:

    I don’t support Capital Punishment for anything but treason, insurrection, and sedition and, in this case, House members that committed these acts should be hanged by the neck until dead (After a trial and conviction).

    Zero Tolerance for these people’s actions.

  15. Harry Eagar says:

    Just about all the indicia of a plot that I said I had not yet seen, I have now seen.

    1. Organizer with bullhorn, check

    2. Communication with plotter outside, check

    I am extremely dubious that this will lead to convictions; I am old enough to remember Iran-Contra, but at least Dan Inouye is gone.

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    The caught on camera crowd in the update demonstrate how bad the gerrymandering is in too many places. Georgia went “blue” for Biden/Harris and two Senators, yet a district elected Margie coo coo puffs Greene. AZ went Biden/Harris, two Democratic Senators, yet has two critters in the crazies on camera group.

    Oh yeah. And NV-02 still has Amodei. Yes, we’re still grousing about that, and also already working to remedy that in 2022.

    Texas? You really need to cede TX-01 to Louisiana.

  17. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Life sentences, no parole for all of them, in a heavily guarded prison (or several) because their foreign paymasters would try to spring them. No privileges. No care packages. No phone calls. Regularly switch out prison staff so less chance of bribing a guard to help them get out. Split up families. Javanka’s house with 6.5 bathrooms gets split into *nice* apartments for several low-income families.

  18. I hope for the same as Grandma Ada. Surely there will be a lot of duplicate images on those cameras from both days. And I see it’s the usual suspects who were leading the parade.

  19. Jail’s too good for them.
    I’m thinking an uninhabited island out in the Aleutians.
    Dump them there with 1 box of matches and 1 knife.
    We can take bets on how many will get past the first 48 hours

  20. My bet is that Louie folds like a used diaper when he’s questioned. The women fold last.

    Biggs is one of the smarmy gits who helped infect people in the secure area, and deserves time somewhere cold and dark.

    The thing is, these people are the tip of the iceberg. I find it hard to believe the rest of the GOPs didn’t have degrees of involvement..

  21. thatotherjean says:

    Expulsion and jail time would make a nice start.

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    Old Fart @ 8, until Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsey and every Republicon, and Joe Manchin in Congress apologize for their involvement. And, specifically apologize to the 3 Democratic members of the House who were infected with Covid-19 there is nothing beyond that than can be said that’s polite. Much less consider their bleats for healing and unity.

    Tout de suite or sooner until the above mentioned and others publicly and profusely admit that AOC represents her district brilliantly, represents the nation, and represents their states and districts far better than they ever have, their bleats for comity, unity and bi-partisanship are fraudulent.

    If they want to be taken seriously convicting the fu king moron in the Senate would be a good first step.

  23. Has somebody told the FBI? Have these people been arrested?

  24. Debbie Wasserman Schultz appeared on CNN Friday morning to talk about a House censure motion that she filed, specifically naming Louie and Alabama congressman Mo Brooks for their participation in the conspiracy to attack the Capitol.
