Can’t Improve On This

July 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “Can’t Improve On This”

  1. Ted Cruz wasn’t born in the US either. I guess he’s special because he’s male and a Republican, huh?

  2. Trump says, “why don’t they go back…”

    Ditto “President” Trump. Go to hell.

  3. slipstream says:

    And when Trump says that the government of the country of these Congresswomen is a complete and total catastrophe, he is referring to the Trump administration.

  4. Old Fart says:

    Funny how brand new representatives are getting under Dotard 45’s skin, and causing him to rally the flying @$$monkeys…

  5. Slipstream @ 3–so true.

    A few days ago the very conservative brother of 1 of my Facebook friends replied to a comment of mine with a question about why the Dems talk big about things they wanted to fix when they haven’t done anything about a long list of wrongs that need to be righted.

    I pointed out to him that at 54 he’s too young to remember the last Democratic governor of Texas (where we live), and the only Democratic presidents he remembers are Clinton and Obama, who was hog-tied by the republican Senate starting after his second year in office. So it’s not the Dems “not doing” anything; it’s those rethugs he defends so strongly.

    For some reason, he didn’t reply.

  6. Lunargent says:

    Meanwhile, Seb Gorka, one of the most toxic pieces of racist trash ever to wash up on our shores, didn’t become a US citizen until 2012. In 2017, he was hired by Trump as a presidential adviser, but was so vile that he was forced to resign.

    No worries, though. Gorka was a featured guest at Trump’s catastrophic “social media summit” and right-wing suckfest last week. So it looks like they’re still best buds.

  7. I fear this site is becoming exceedingly ‘orangist’!

  8. Perhaps Melania, her parents and her sister should go back to Slovenia and work to make that country better.
    Just a suggestion.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Dotard45 has openly declared war on blacks and browns, while calling the anti-Semites “fine people.” The war on women and the LGBTQ community continues through the “fine” auspices of the religious wrong and Republicons. Any straight white males feeling privilege and an escape route best think again. Unless you can do without air, water and women, you are not safe from the policies of this maladministration.

    Disgruntled Democrats please suck it up in 2020 and vote. Forget 2016 and other perceived slights and dreams of candidate purity. Unless it’s an actual former Republicon running as a Democrat in which case there should be no ‘amnesty’ for Republicons, allegedly reformed or otherwise. Would you really want to play “who do you trust” with guys like Amash?

    Please vote for the sake of our children and your grandchildren who cannot vote, but will pay the highest cost for any apathy in the 2020 election. TIA

  10. I see the Duffster has found a new place to try and peddle his crap. We don’t need this limey POS as a commenter.

  11. David Duff:
    That’s a good turn of phrase, thanks. But have no fear, IMHO it’s been true ’round here for three years or so.

  12. twocrows says:

    Well, Trump should know.
    Yes, indeed, these women DO all come from a country “whose government is a complete and total catastrophe — the most corrupt and inept anywhere.”

    The difference is, Trump, they’re doing their bit to clean up the mess — unlike you, the guy who created it in the first place.

    Go quietly now, please.
    Thank you.

  13. slipstream says:

    David Duff: thanks for the kind thoughts. We fervently hope so.

  14. charles phillips says:

    David Duff @ 7, “I fear this site is becoming exceedingly ‘orangist’!”

    I think you mean ‘anti-orangist,’ and yes, we are, but not excessively.

  15. Linda Phipps says:

    charles phillips #14 – I hope you are correct. I was a little surprised by the Duffster’s comment.

  16. Did Trump even attend high school?

    Prior presidents attended Yale or Harvard or other universities!

    He brags about being sent to some trade school for rich kids!

  17. When haven’t I heard such stuff? And aimed at me. These remarks are always made with the self-assurance of the speaker that their family has always been in this country. Little do they know! Family histories are always optional in their narration. If they only knew their history back about 200 to 400 years ago, they would shrink visibly! And never use that old moronic meme!

  18. Jesse Dollemore sums up trump’s latest bout of *twitterrhea” beautifully in his narrative.

    The overwhelming majority of his commenters are very supportive of these women and the Democratic party in general. They also fervently hope for the impeachment of this vile, corrupt excuse for a human being.

  19. Linda Phipps says:

    Speaking of returning back to where they came from, perhaps expecting a persona non grata status in any respectable circles Knauss’ should return to Slovenia. Maybe dad can get his communist job back.

  20. maryelle says:

    Trump went to a private boarding school due to his behavior problems then to Fordham for three years. Then off to the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business, which is an excellent school. One can only assume that Daddy paved the way by greasing some palms. Might be interesting to find out exactly how this shady deal went down. Might make the current college bribery case look tame.
    All the money was wasted, however, because Trump may be called a lot of things, but educated doesn’t apply.
